Chapter 32

158 19 110

Planet: Eteran

First Insurgency War


I hate to admit it, but I'm glad Ava convinced me to come to the campout.

It was a much needed break after the action of the varsity game, where the thrill filled their team's minds, though pain poked his own. His heart pounded with each passing second to reach the end and win the game. He held his pole full of marshmallows, surrounded by friends.

At least my brain wasn't completely rattled.

"Is it my turn yet?" Yvonne said around the campfire in the middle of the path which tore through the Camp Shennan cabin. Everyone else departed for bed, but they chose to stay up and get through a game of truth and dare and ghost stories.

As if she needs to ask. For someone who wants a sense of adventure in space, she certainly has none when it comes to something silly like truth or dare. Yvonne also has some... wacky dares up her sleeve.


Yvonne pouted, but rolled with the hurdle. "You want to be a space explorer, right? Have you thought of a name?"

"Of course!" Ava puffed out her chest in pride. "I'm calling it the Northern Wolves!"

"Glad to see mine and Katie's gift matches the theme you're going for." Yvonne nodded at the necklace around Ava's neck. James raised his hand to his matched piece, considering it and the options he had left ahead of him. Everyone eyed Yvonne, who threw her arms up in the air. "Oh, what is it? What is with the disappointed puppy eyes? Ava never picks dare unless she trusts you with her life. I should've picked Rayan."

Rayan tipped his head. "What... would you have had me do if I agreed?"

"Hmm, I don't know, I'm not feeling too devious tonight. Maybe let me paint your nails or something."

"Can I choose the colour at least?"

"Of course, I'm not cruel."

"I'll go." Ava laughed. "Meryn, truth or dare?"

"Hm. Dare, why not?"

Ava pointed at the low-hanging tree. "Climb it and don't come back down until it's your turn."

Meryn investigated her chosen dare tree. "How high?"

"As much as you're comfortable, Meryn, it's just too bad Ollie didn't come to this camp out," she said, and Meryn nodded.

James snorted when Meryn stretched at the base of the tree, but surprise hushed through his bones when Meryn hauled himself into the branches with a confident sense of strength and gave them a sly smile when he settled himself on the branch. "Wow! Is this what Ollie feels whenever he sits on top of the rock climbing wall? I'm so above everyone!"

"Ugh." Yvonne stuck out her tongue. "I'll punish you for that pun."

James shook his head at the two while Meryn swung his legs. He poked Rayan. "It's your turn."

Rayan turned to Jon, who sat in the chair by the fireplace near the bench Rayan and James shared. "Truth or dare, Jon?"

"Dare, obviously."

Rayan pointed at the toasty marshmallow on his pole. "Burn, then eat."

A small, offended gasp escaped Jon's lips. "Wh—" He placed his hand on his heart. "What a waste of a perfectly good marshmallow. They're disgusting when burnt. Too crunchy. Alas, I agreed to do a dare." He gave a melodramatic sigh. "I always do what I said."

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