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Hey hey! Thanks for coming back, it's gonna be one hell of a ride ^_~ (secretly, I've just always wanted to say that...)

If you are arriving here by chance, you might want to start with the first book in Loretta's tale, "Loretta of the Lamp"

Loretta's story is going a little deeper now, still dealing with themes of trust and redemption, death and loss, and love and failure, with para-and-normal characters in a setting that is a crossover between magic realism and high fantasy. Phwoar! Yes, that's still a big sentence....

A note on cautions. Heads up that young people occasionally use terrible language, duh 🙄. As do 95% of adults, at least, I'm sure. So I kept it real — there are a handful of mildly bad words in Loretta's tale.

In this story there will be some violence and death, and sexual themes. Based upon today's publishing industry and pre-reader feedback, the content is inline with a Young Adult audience.

Now I'll shut up, and let you enjoy the tale....

With love, from this side of darkness, me x

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