General/Historical Fiction Winners

102 19 18

Please PM Jells_ your email so she can send you your stickers. Thank you so much to our judges, without them this awards wouldn't have been possible.      



In first place is My Fate is at War With My Soul by victoriarosefly 
Score: 56/60
Review: This story is a marvel! It addresses many deep, moral questions about the human race and God. Its mysterious, intriguing, and anything that you can ask for in a book. I fell in love with the main character because you can feel her inner turmoil and struggle with her past relationships and her relationship with God. A job well done! ~Dear_Reader890

In second place is Temper: Deference by lila-mina 
Score: 54.5/60
Review: Review to be given by Jells_ (I'm so sorry. The judge dropped out at the last moment, and I'm too tired to write a review right now. It'll be out soon though.)

In third place is Growing in Popularity by earthisclosed
Score: 53/60
Review: Well-written, funny, real, relatable, this book captured my attention! For anyone wishing for a comical, light read, this is the book for you. The characters are people that you will fall in love with and the storyline is something that any school student will understand and relate to. ~Dear_Reader890

Congrats to everyone! The other reviews will be put in a separate book.

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