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Ruel's POV

"She's wearing all yellow. Yellow skirt, yellow sweater. You can't miss her." I finish explaining to one of the security guards what the mystery girl looked like, so maybe he'll have a better chance at finding her. "Tell her I want to see her."

He nods. "I'll do my best."

I thank him and head to my backstage room.


I can't get her out of my head.

"Dude, what was that?" My sister, Coco, asks as she enters the room.

I act dumb. "What was what?"

She scoffs. "You know what." I move to the couch. "I saw that whole thing with the girl."

I shrug and take a sip of my water. "So?"

She sighs. "So you never do that."

I open my mouth to speak when the door suddenly opens. The bodyguard from earlier walks in and I immediately stand up, praying to god he found her.

The guard, who's name is Hank, moves to the side while holding the door open.

My heart beat speeds up when I see the beautiful girl from the show. She looks around shyly until her eyes meet mine. A smile appears on my face when I notice her blushing.

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet you."

Aurora's POV:

Wait, what?

"Wait what?!" Melody speaks my thoughts.

The bodyguard, who's name tags says 'Hank' clears his throat. "Ruel would like to meet you."

My eyes widen. "Me?" I ask dumbly, pointing to myself.

Hank nods. "Yes ma'am."

"A-Are you sure-" Melody cuts me off.

"Great, she'd like to meet him as well."

Hank nods. "Right, then follow me." He turns and starts walking away. Melody latches onto my arm and drags me along.

"I hate you." I mumble to her as I nervously follow.

She giggles. "You'll love me after this."

After a minute of walking, we stop in front of a tan door. "Please no pictures unless Ruel gives you permission."

I slowly nod, still confused as heck.

Why does he want to see me?

Hank opens the door and holds it for us. I reluctantly enter and look around curiously. My eyes eventually land on the super tall singer, who's standing in front of the couch. I blush while he smiles.

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet you."

I immediately fall in love with his voice even more.

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