One More for Old Times Sake (#JustWriteDay)

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"Gah, Becky! You're such a bitch!"

The high-pitched squeal from the blonde with the tiny tits was painful. I actually reached up to see if my ears were bleeding.

For her part, Becky couldn't have looked any less impressed with Tiny Tits if she tried. Which, naturally, impressed the hell out of me.

I find cold indifference incredibly sexy.

After Tiny Tits left, I ordered two Jameson's and walked across the bar.

"You look like someone who's dying to make one more bad decision." Not my best line, but hey, I wasn't really trying.

Becky looked up at me and after a slow perusal of my flawless exterior, she grinned. "Isn't that what New Year's Eve is all about? Trying to jam a year's worth of bad decisions into one night?"

Did I say I liked this girl? It was going to take everything I had in me to keep from taking this from a bad decision to a horrible mistake.

We sipped our drinks and devoured one another with our eyes. She saw sparkling eyes, raven black hair, and a cocky smile -- wrapped up in an eternally young skin wrapper. I saw beauty that was fading fast, her first set of wrinkles only about two years away. But her soul... well, that was old and blackened already. Cynicism had rotted it at a young age, sucking hope and joy and leaving the stench of pessimism in it's wake.

I wanted to bathe in that pit of despair.

"Hey, don't I know you?"

The question jarred me out of my fantasy. I peered closer at her, searching my brain for where we may have crossed paths, but Becky beat me to it.

"Oh shit, I know," she cooed while taking my hand into hers. "Danny Chester's party... we made out in the bathroom before stupid Chelsea walked in on us," a wistful smile crossed her lips as she remembered. Her bottomless brown eyes opened wide before she said, "that was like three years ago I think."

"I'm flattered."

"Well, it's not everyday that someone tells you that they're into biting," she bit her lip and I almost lost it. "It sounded fun."

The lip bite made me remember her. I was reckless back then, creating immortals left and right. I'd gotten it somewhat under control. In fact, my resolution this year was to not draw any more unsuspecting humans into my world.

But, the New Year doesn't start until tomorrow.


"Hmm?" She answered, her eyes rounded and her lower lip between her teeth. The throbbing of her carotid caused me to shudder deep in my belly.

"Would you like to come back to my house with me? We could have a... little bite. Then ring in what could be the first of many, many New Year's together."

She chuckled low in her throat while rolling her eyes. But then she stared at my mouth and shrugged.

"Yeah... sure. Let's do it for old time's sake."

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