2. Nonna

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"So when are you leaving?" My grandma asks me as I tell her the news. I thought it would be best to let her know as soon as possible considering she'll be the one looking after Sofia whilst I'm gone.

"In about two weeks time." I tell her, taking a sip of wine. I know most people drink tea round their grandma's house, but me and my Nonna always drink wine together. I guess it's kind of a tradition. "I'm so nervous. I don't know if I can leave Sofia."

"She'll be fine." She reassures me, placing her hand on my forearm. "I don't know if you noticed but I gave birth to seven children so I know a thing or two about looking after children. You're father turned out perfectly fine, there's nothing to worry about; I only dropped him a couple of times."

We both laugh at her comment, and I know she's joking - well, I hope she's joking. "It's not that I don't trust you to look after her. I just know I'm going to miss her so much. The longest I've been apart from her is three days; now I'm going to be gone for up to eight weeks."

My grandma rolls her eyes at me, "Violetta, I know it's scary leaving your child for the first time. But you have to learn to let go." What she says makes sense but that doesn't make it any easier to be apart from her. "One day she's going to move out and be hundreds of miles away, you can't be with her forever. I bambini crescono, devi crescere con loro."

I think about my grandma's advice. I bambini crescono, devi crescere con loro ~ children grow up, you have to grow up with them. I know it won't be easy, but I also know that I have to try. "You're right Nonna, like always."

"I know." She smiles, "you should listen to me more often." This causes me to laugh. I love visiting my grandma, she only lives a ten minute drive from my house so I visit her all the time. She's basically more of a mum than a grandma, and she treats me like a daughter. She even has a spare room for me for when I stay the night with Sofia. If there's one thing I know for certain, it's that no matter how crazy things get at home, this house will always be my little sanctuary. The place that gives me refuge. "So, are you staying for dinner?" She asks, making her way to the kitchen to refill her wine glass.

"How could I refuse?" I answer with a smile, my grandma always makes the most amazing food so I never turn down an offer to stay for dinner. "I'll get Sofia to come back inside."

"No, let her play." My grandma argues, "you said she's not allowed in the garden at your house because of Maria, so let her make the most of it whilst she can." I listen to my grandma's advice; like she said earlier, I should take her advice more often. And it's not like I don't want Sofia playing in the garden, I want her to act like a child whilst she still is one.

Unfortunately, Sofia has had to be more mature for her age for a while now. No six year old should have to concern themselves with relatives with severe bipolar disorder, but it's something that Sofia just can't escape from.


"Right Sofia, say goodbye." I say, and she waves goodbye to my grandma before we leave the house. We get in the car and drive all the way home, singing along to the songs on the radio. When we get home, mum and dad are both in the living room. "Papa, mama. Everything alright?" I ask, slightly shocked that my mum is in the living room rather than Luca's bedroom or the back room where she normally is.

"Violetta," my mum says, making me even more shocked than I already was. She seems really happy, which makes a nice change from the confused state she's normally in. "And Sofia, my beautiful girls."

I smile at her words, I love it when she's in a happy mood, and so does Sofia. "Ma, today was a good day, I take it?" I ask her, genuinely wondering why she's in such a good mood.

"Si, Antonio told me the news." I look at my dad, and I'm assuming she's on about the news of me going on a dating show. "I hope you find love, Violetta." She smiles, then quickly glances at Sofia before looking at me again. "And hopefully this man will stick around when there's a bit of trouble unlike the last one."

"Ma!" I instantly say, a little offended by her words. I'm not offended that she said Sofia's father didn't stick around, I'm annoyed that she suggested me being pregnant with Sofia was trouble; and I'm even more annoyed that she said it in front of Sofia. But I know I can't get annoyed at her, especially when she's in this mood. "Let's not talk about it."

"Sorry, he's the one who shall not be named." She reminds herself, and I'm glad that she at least remembers that. "Not that it's hard, no one even knows his name."

"Maria." Dad interrupts, "I think it's time for you to have a rest. Why don't I take you upstairs." He gets up from his seat and helps my mum up, I mouth the words 'thank you' to him as he leaves the room and he smiles in return.

Then Sofia and I are left alone. "Mama, can I have some gelato?" I look at her cute little face, then give her a nod. "Thank you mama." She then runs to the kitchen to get her gelato, but returns with a tub and two spoons. She hands me one of the spoons then climbs onto my lap. "Ice cream feast."

I giggle at my adorable little girl, and dig into the food in front of me. At least I know that no matter how bad things get with my mum, I'll always have my daughter to make me smile.

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