'Til Evening - Chapter 26

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It was safe to say that you were sore the next morning.

Thanks to the fact that you two were technically married now, Erik had done you in pretty well the night before— shamelessly, too, as... well, you were his wife.

The next morning, you woke up to kisses being gently peppered on your neck (which had been lined with hickeys, mind you), and it was clear that Erik was trying to ease you awake.

"Good morning," he murmured. You felt his lips break into a smile against your skin, and naturally, that made you smile, too.

"Morning," you said. He gave a gentle chuckle, sat up, and pressed a long kiss against your cheek. You tried to sit up before that soreness began to kick in... and you had to smile.

You were still quite giddy.

"God, Erik— I'm sore," you said, giving a breathy chuckle as you sat up.

"You're welcome," he joked with a smile. You gave him a playful swat, but he just chuckled as he sat up right next to you. He just looked at you for a few moments. When you were about to ask him what was on his mind, you felt his hand slip into yours again. His thumb brushed against your knuckles.

"You know I love you... right?"

He had asked it so softly that you began to wonder if he had asked it at all, but telling from the sad look in his eyes, you knew that it was an important question.

"Of course I do," you said, offering him a small smile. "You always let me know."

He stared up at you before gulping, laying back down and hesitantly resting his head on your lap. The fact you were wearing only a slip didn't at all matter anymore. He didn't say a word as your hand made its way onto his face, and he let out a long sigh before tensing up again.

"Don't forget that when I'm gone," he said softly. "Please don't forget that."

You felt your heart sink a little bit. This was one of his moments of vulnerability, and you knew that it rarely came through unless he was afraid. You had only been in this exact position once before.

"I won't," you said softly. "I promise..."

He stayed there for a few moments before sitting up again. He drew in a deep breath, and almost as if the scenario hadn't happened at all, he patted your lap a couple times and chuckled.

"Alright, love— I'll let you go put something on," he said. "As much as I love seeing you mostly naked, I would much rather be the only person to see you that way."

You kyicked the blankets off of you and, after tiredly sitting and staring at your feet for a moment, you remembered that you had to get up.

A feeling of dread made your stomach sink. You were about to walk you through your room in order to get ready for an hour or two of rehearsals— but even then, you knew that it would just mean less time with Erik.

"Do you want me to walk you?" he asked, noting your sudden discomfort. "If you allow me get dressed first— I'll be more than happy to walk you."

That was exactly what happened.

Thanks to Erik's preparedness, you had a nightgown to wear on the way to your room...

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