Chapter 3: Learning about her Powers

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Erica's POV

Ellen handed me the dark war hammer as I gave her the books I'm carrying for her to hold, and suprisingly, the hammer was light, not like what I thought it was. Ellen then stood far away as she smiled and told me what to do.

"Just strike the button as hard as you can and it will show on the screen your strength. Don't worry about damages, you have a lot of money." I then nodded and raise the war hammer high and hit the button with all my strength, not worrying if it will break. The screen then showed '900'.

"It seems that you have broken a new record, Lady Erica. Congratulations!" Ellen said to me. I smiled and gave her back the war hammer. She returned it to its rightful place as she lead me again to another machine. It was a giant blue ball that faintly glowed as it floats inches away from the ground.

"You are to throw your spells here in order to see how much attack damage you can hit it with. This is used for knowing how strong your spells and how much mana you use when doing certain spells. But for today, we will test your most powerful attack spell. Start chanting your <<Phoenix Strike>> spell." She then looked at me, waiting for me to do something, until she realized that I don't know how to use magic or chant.

"Forgive me!" She bowed repeatedly as she says sorry.

"No, it's alright! You can just teach me." I say to reassure her.

"Your Grimoire!" She then handed me a book with flame designs with the title 'Grimoire Of Flames', cheezy title. It cover was made of leather while it's pages were smooth despite being old. I then opened it and saw a picture of a handsome man with gold hair and shiny sky blue eyes his face smiling like a prince in the fairy tales. Heart scribbles can be seen drawn not near his face, afraid to ruin the picture.

I looked at Ellen, "Who is this?" I ask, showing her the picture of the handsome man in the picture. Her eyes twinkled at his handsome figure and smiled at me, "This is your fiancé, Prince Cristopher Allen Detrio. Isn't he handsome?" She said to me as she blushed at his handsome face. "How lucky you are indeed miss!"

'His face is somehow familiar that's for sure. What is up with this familiar people? Wait- prince!?' Ellen returned the picture to me as I returned it back to it's place from where I saw it. 'Ah nevermind about him!'
I looked at the neat and clean handwriting of the last owner of this body and drawings of the spells as I looking for the spell that Ellen mentioned. Seeing how it works, I put the Grimoire on my left hand and aimed my right hand at the magic pearl.

"The power of the Phoenix I call for you, lend me your strength and burn my enemy with your flames! <<Phoenix Strike>>" A Phoenix shape flame then appeared at my right hand as it then flew fast like a bullet and went straight towards the pearl. Numbers appeared on top of the giant pearl.

"1,100! Still the same attack power. It seems that you are still fit to fight. I hope you can learn the spells within the 1 month. The test is nearing and I'm afraid that you'll fail. For now, why don't we rest? You must feel exhausted! That's because you lost some mana just now!" She said to me. 'I kinda do feel exhausted.' I then nodded at her as we walk back in silence into my room.

I laid down on my bed as Ellen placed the books at my desk. She then bowed and left my room. I stood up and stretch my arms as I went over to my desk and sat down on the comfortable spinning chair. I grab the book, 'A hero's Journey' and began reading. It wasn't that long of a story but it was indeed interesting. They also mentioned the demon king but they didn't say he was sad that his queen died. 'Boo! I wanted to know if he suffered. I wanna go back home! Why am I even here! This is so stupid...' Tears then began forming and dropping like rain drops as I remembered the memories of my life on Earth. 'I will return soon. Wait for me...' I thought as I laid down my head into the desk as I began recalling fun memories.




Three consecutive knocks can be heard, but Erica didn't stir. She continued sleeping as the door opened. Ellen saw her Miss's state and smiled, she then shook Erica and as her eyes began to open.

"Miss, it's time for lunch. Would you like it to be delivered here?" Ellen asks. I then rub my eyes as I nodded and stretched my arms.

The door closed as Ellen left to grab my lunch. I realized that I drooled and was embarrassed and quickly wipe my face with my hankerchief. As I wait, I opened the book about demons and read it.

My lunch came and I ate my food and continue reading about demons. It was very interesting and said that the demon king can't be beaten by a normal hero, they need someone from another 'world' or something. Somehow, these words were familiar like she has read this from a game she played from her last life. She then asked Ellen for a 'Screen', which is a phone but they call it a 'Screen.' She then searched about demons and heard news about demon sightings getting more frequent from Ellen.

"Have you listened to the news lately? They say demons have been appearing more. I'm quite scared but I know our king will protect us!" Ellen muttered.

"Since when have they increased?" I ask her politely.

"Suprisingly, it was around that time when you lost all your memories. Weird..." Ellen face then scrunched up and went silent.

'Be prepared and wait for me demon king, i'll find you and return home... But what will happen to Erica? Will this body die as I return home.' Erica wondered. 'It would be terrible then, should I start acting mean so they won't like to remember me anymore? But when?'

Erica then spend the rest of the afternoon reading the book about the demons and was taught by her maid, Ellen, about the subjects in this world, which is similar to Earth except you are also taught magic, etiquette and instead of science it's alchemy.


Hello Flowers!

Have you been well?

Thanks for reading! Later!

Bye bye~~


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