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Well done to all of our winners, as well as those who finished in second and third. As promised, it is now time to hand out your much-deserved prizes!

Here is what we need you to email over to me at

Third place winners: A 150 word bio - This can be about yourself, or a mixture of yourself and your best work.

Second place winners: A 300 word bio - same as above.

First place winners: We will be conducting interviews with you guys, with more details to be released later. For now, just drop me an email with your name, and Wattpad username so I have your email address.

List of winners:

Third place:

Synched by krazydiamond

Of Caverns and Casters- The Lost Roads Quartet by avadel

Feast or Famine by soellekhiss

Rosalind by Nyhterides

Under Tennessee Skies by BEHaynes

Obachan, A Memoir by TaniHanes

Two Way Mirror by allanfisher

Glitter Glitches by xxRazmatazxx

Melancholy by MayGarner

Black Lives, Like Mine by Di_Rossi

Cliche by JenYarrington

Deathsworn by MichaelPanter5

Harry on the Prairie by styles_orama

A Pirate's Life by JEHallows

Second place:

Unwatched by CayBailey

Nomvula by MiloMaia

Bloodlines: Flawed by Squeaks7

Skin by morningtides

If We Exist by Yano_Ism

The Voice by gladhaven

Perchance to Dream by rhythmchyc

Sanely Insane by ldream62442

The Maggies by Nyhterides

The Shady Adventures of Fabian by Wuckster

Stranded by PedanticAndGrumpy

Idoltary by Fever09

First place:

Radio Waves of the Macabre by ChristopherOpyr

The Blade by Reffster

An Impression of Teeth by krazydiamond

Songs of the Season by Fairytale_Fabler

Aftermath by Di_Rossi

The Four Baristas of the Apocalypse by Reffster

The Melody of Silence by lptvorik

Teal Nostalgia by authorishnicole

River Belly and Other Stories by FayLane

The Time Traveller by Di_Rossi

Shadow Road by AEPennymaker

Psycho Pass: Until Death Do Us Part by SoelleKhiss

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