Chapter 7: I'm not a 'just a girl'

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will be edited soon for: grammar, consistency of the story, respresenting MC character better


After dinner we still had to talk about the target. What was our plan? When? How did we make sure nobody knew what we had done? All the other targets couldn't know.

"Drew. We have to talk about the mission"

He looked a bit surprised that I talked directly to him, something I had tried to avoid until now. But my 'job' is more important than my pathetic feelings, or more to say, my absence of feelings.

"Of course. We can go to the high-tech room"

Drew already called it that way? David, Tom and I used to call that room the high tech room. We named it for the most Obvious reason: the room was full of high-quality technology. Obnoxious large screens, touch screen computers, a table with functions to create some kind of hologram. It also included something that looked like Google maps, if I explain in the simplest way. All you have to know is that the 'Google Maps' has an amazing zoom-in. If you'd zoom in on a house, you could see extremely small things such as bees flying above the house.

Drew didn't look like he would stand up any time soon hence I decided to take the lead and walk to the room without him. I turned around before I left the room and looked at him with one eyebrow raised. He was just leaning against the arm of the chair, looking bored, until he saw my annoyed expression.
"What" he said. Idiot. I walked away and I think he finally understood the reason why I was so annoyed. I heard him following me.

"Okay this first target has a house in.." I began once we entered the high-tech room.

"We're talking about the mission? Straight to the point huh" Drew cut me off.

"Of course, dumbass. That's why we're here?" I said, raising my eyebrows again. I'm raising my eyebrows more often than before; it must be because everything he has said so far doesn't make any sense.

"Oh, I thought we were going in here for something else. My bad" He chuckled, closing the door.

Is he flirting with me? I couldn't read it something from his face. He was probably joking.

He walked towards me and brushed past me. He's doing it on purpose, dammit. Drew chuckled once he realized he had effect on me and came standing next to me. Hello? Personal space? How had he even seen my real reaction? I was trained to refrain from showing any emotion in every situation. Anger, pain, sadness, you shouldn't be able to read it. Then of course, Drew is an agent and he is supposed to know such things.

"Am I making you nervous?" He said not even looking at me.

"No" he wasn't making me nervous just ...

"Ha, I am" He was definitely mocking me.

I ignored him and tried pushing him away, he didn't move much and only pushed me back. Great, now there's absolutely no personal space left. Did I mind? Yes, I do, or not?

I mentally slapped myself a couple of times. Brain shut the hell up. I took a deep breath and relaxed my face. Now I was sure my face was unreadable.


I saw some movement and knew he was backing off. He didn't look hurt or rejected. I guess he was surprised that I changed that easily. Well, then he is in for a hell of a lot more surprises.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him to the side to get to the screens. He just stood there a little bit like a lost boy. 1-0 for Chloe. Ha!

I smirked and touched the screen to get a clear view of the house of the first target.

She can easily kill you.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum