Chapter One

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Detective Alice Wade stepped out of her car and slammed the door shut behind her. She walked furiously towards the entrance of the Police Station and locked her car by pointing the keys over her shoulder and pressing the button. She burst through the doors and stopped dead.

"Surprise!" A dozen people shouted and snapped some party poppers.

"You mother fu..."

"Happy birthday! how old are you then, Wade?" Lewis said cutting her off.

"Twenty-one" she answered while another officer put a pointy party hat on her head and patted her on the back, making everyone laugh.

"Is that in dog years then?" Lewis chuckled.


"I think it is yeah, I wasn't lying on the phone by the way, Bear is waiting in his office for you, got a nice present for you I imagine" He chuckled again.

"Perfect" Wade pulled the hat off her head and walked towards the bosses office. She knocked on the door twice and heard Bear stand up from his seat from behind it. The door opened in one swift pull.

"Where the fuck have you been?! get in here" He said walking back to his seat, shifting his large frame from foot to foot. It was obvious why people called him Bear. He was over six feet tall and had a huge beard that covered most of his face, his arms were just as hairy. Not to mention his name was Bill Beringger.

"Home sir"

"Don't be a smart ass, and close the fucking door" He was in a bad mood and Wade knew that was not good. He was about to lay a whole lot of crap on her doorstep.

"Sorry sir"

"Christ do not start, you know I hate people who apologize, especially when they have no fucking idea what they are sorry about, just sit down and listen will you" Wade nodded and sat in the seat in front of Bears desk. She looked at him and waited for him to speak.

"Julia Anderson, thirty-two years old, last seen sometime between 15:00 and 15:30 yesterday afternoon by a woman walking her dog" Bear lay down a file and pushed it across the desk towards Wade.

"Yesterday? Got a body?"




"What then?"

"She is just missing"

"I work homicide, not missing persons, why are you giving this to me?" Wade was on the verge of blowing up and stood up from her chair when Bear put a hand up to calm her and explain.

"Hold up, and listen" He waited for her to sit back down "This woman is the wife of a cop, Alex Anderson, you know him?"

"Vice Alex Anderson? The dirtbag who shot his partner and pinned it on that pimp? No fucking way am I taking this" Wade pushed the file back towards Bear with force.

"You do as I fucking tell you, and there is no evidence that Alex shot anyone or pinned shit on anyone, so until you find evidence to support that accusation I suggest you keep that shit to yourself"

"Come on sir, you know as well as I do that Anderson is as dirty as a dog's arse"

"Like I said, if you have evidence of that then please share it, or shut the fuck up and do your job"

"My job is homicide, not this, it hasn't even been twenty-four hours, she has probably gone to some guys house to get humped, why dump this shit on me?"

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