chapter 5

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Rays of the sun passed through the window, awaking Venus from her sleep, she rubbed her eyes and groaned when a sharp pain sliced through her head.

She opened her eyes and was met with unfamiliar surroundings.

This was not her room.

The potent smell that evaded her room told her exactly who's it was, the scent of woods and mint cocooned her.

She was in Dantes's room.

She sat up and stretched, swung her legs out the bed, only to feel cool air kiss her bare legs. She was in a black tee-shirt, also Dantes.

Her cheeks turned crimson, did he change her clothes? she thought.

The door to the bathroom swung open to reveal her mate in all his glory, the only thing that stopped him from being titled as 'naked' was the loose towel that was tied dangerously low on his hips, revealing the V and she dared not look down.

As droplets of water cascaded down his sculpted body, his tattoos, she realized covered both his arms and entwined at his chest, just above his pecks, grazing them slightly.

His abdomen that was oozing with muscle made Venus gulp. It wasn't the type of muscle that would make you cringe from its excessive amount, it was the type that would make you do a double-take.

Chiseled was every part of his body, thick muscled thighs, and toned calves. 


Venus tried to control her body's reaction, wishing that the scent of her evident lust would conceal itself.

Dante closed his eyes and took a deep whiff, due to his sharp alpha senses, he didn't miss the new scent that had evaded the room.

His eyes opened, Venus's eyes clashed with his dark pools of pitch black, his lycan.

He licked his lips and stared at her.

She looked downright ravishing in his tee that reached just above her knees, bare legs on display, and since the shirt was bunched up she flashed him with her upper thighs,

 thick stunning thighs and Dante longed to have them thrown over his shoulders so he could take her in positions where she'd be seeing the stars.

He growled lowly at the direction his thought had taken, and Venus shot out of the bed, inching towards the door, hoping to run to the safety of her room.

But the dark alpha had other plans.

Just when she was about to open the door, a large hand shot out, twisted around her waist, turning her and pulling her up against the wall of his hard chest, her back pressed against the door, his other hand was inches above her head on the door behind her.

Her breathing was as ragged as his.

Venus couldn't tell if she was frightened or turned on.

"Dante wha-" she was cut off when his head ducked into her neck and nuzzled her, close to the place where she was to be marked.

"You smell like heaven," Dante growled, taking a deep whiff.

Venus felt tingles run down her spine, the tempting ones.

"Dante let me go," she demanded trying to keep her voice firm as she pushed against the hard wall of his chest, she realized it was a mistake when her hands touched his hard tanned chest.

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