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It was the day of Tina's funeral, a day where her family will be laying her to rest whilst the police are trying to find her killer. As the hearse drove slowly into the graveyard in the bush Ryan was watching from the distance. "Psst." Someone whispered as Ryan turned around and saw Trisha hiding in the bushes with him. "What are you doing? If you get caught here the police will arrest you!" Trisha warned as Ryan stepped closer. "Well what are you doing here then?" Ryan replied. "She was our friend Ryan, I wanted to say goodbye just like you. I don't see Penny here and Alex is in youth detention for trying to pass the blame onto us. I think it was one of them who killed her!" Trisha whispered. "How can I be so sure it wasn't you who did it? You could be trying to say all this to make me think it was one of them." Ryan questioned her. "Come on Ryan, you don't have to put much thought into it to know that out of all of us Alex and Penny despised of her in the days leading up to that party." Trisha replied. "Fair point." Ryan replied bluntly. "Hey, who's in there?" A mans voice yelled as Trisha and Ryan looked through the bushes to see Tim the lead investigator in Tina's murder rushing over. "Shit run!" Ryan exclaimed as he and Trisha legged it out of the bushes before Tim could see it was them.

"Oi, loser go away we sit here." A juvenile yelled at Alex who was sat on his own eating his first prison lunch. "Umm, oh sorry." Alex quipped before quickly moving from the bullies. "You know, making it that obvious you're scared will only make you more of an easy target for them, first they'll take your seat, next they'll be beating you up in the showers for money." A boy said to Alex as he sat near him. "Sorry, I'm just scared." Alex muttered. "First rule of prison, never say you're scared. Relax a little you'll be out in 3 months, but hey you might be here longer if it turns out it was you who killed that girl." The boy laughed. "How did you know who I am?" Alex said as he became nervous. "If anyone knows who I am and what I'm accused of I'll be sacrificed." He said in a panic. "Man, chill you're secret is safe with me. Just answer me this, did you do it?" The boy asked as he ate some of his lunch. "One word, no!" Alex sneered before walking back to his cell.

Back at Penny's house she and her family sat down for dinner, "Right, let's see what's on the news." Penny's dad said breaking the silence. "Today loved ones of murdered schoolgirl Tina Reynolds paid tribute to her as she was laid to rest, meanwhile police work tirelessly to find out who killed her." A news reporter spoke, "Okay maybe we won't watch the news." Penny's dad said awkwardly just as Penny stood up to leave the table, "And where are you going?" Her mum asked, "I'm not hungry." Penny sighed before walking on upstairs to her room and shutting the door. Penny laid on her bed before her phone started to ring, she picked it up to hear Alex, "Hello, Penny are you there?" He spoke, "Alex what are you doing? We aren't meant to call each other." Penny sneered down the phone. "Look, you have to help us prove neither of us killed Tina, you and I both know neither of us did it which means it must've been Trisha or Ryan. Now I'm in prison they're going to think I did it but I'm innocent!" He said as he started to cry. "Look I must go, but please Penny, help clear our names!" He said but before Penny could respond he hung up the phone. "Who was that hunny?" Penny's mum spoke as she came to check on her, "Oh no one, is my dinner still downstairs. I'm hungry now." She said changing the suspect all the while thinking about what Alex has said.

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