🌊Chapter Eight: Relaxation and a Rally

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Claire stepped out of the pool without a single drop of water clinging to her clothes or person. She let out a breathy sound that was half laugh half sigh as Orpheus whooped and lifted her off her feet, spinning her around in a dizzy circle.

"I'm a better teacher than I thought. You're going to do well on the midterm." He beamed as he set her back on her feet at the pool's edge. Bright afternoon sunlight shone through the glass domed ceiling, making his gold hair shimmer. The one perk of staying on Shuru during the two week semester break was that they could practice at the pool without sacrificing sleep.

The other perk was not having to face Amma and the Kishori aunts and uncles and admit how low her ranking was, or how low it would most likely drop after midterms.

Claire's joy immediately melted into nervous fear. Midterms. Had she really been at Avia for almost five months already? "That's next week."

Orpheus nodded, his cheerful expression darkening as well. "Indeed. And I'm sorry to say you're going to have to practice on your own this next week."

Claire gaped. "You're leaving me?"

"Seph-er, my younger sister, Persephone-she's sent a series of strongly worded letters begging me to stay with her and father for the remaining half of break, and I worry what my fate might be if I refuse." He scratched his neck, lost in his own thoughts. "Maybe she'd sprout flowers from my lungs... or bury me alive..."

"Earth Elemei, like my brother?" Claire guessed.

Orpheus nodded somberly. "Perhaps one day she can be as skilled as him, too. I only met Keenan once but-"

"I meant my younger brother," Claire cut him off, her face going red. Talking about Keenan always led to those pitying looks she despised. "Nathan. He's ten, hopefully he'll be a student here next year."

Orpheus lit up. "Oh, that's great! Seph will attend next year too. She's eleven. Didn't audition this year because she's at a private art academy for the time being."

"Fancy." His certainty on his sister's acceptance didn't go unnoticed. But then again, they were the children of the Headmistress. They may as well be guaranteed admission even if they were mortals. "When are you leaving?"

"Tonight," he answered, and Claire tried not to look disappointed.

"I'll keep practicing on my own," she said with the most casual smile she could manage. Professor Bakshi certainly wouldn't let her use the pool on her own, so the last week of practice before midterms would have to be spent manipulating little glasses of water in her dorm room- If Sylva and her irritating friend could keep their giggles under control for five minutes.

That feat, Claire realized early the next day, was clearly impossible. They ran off home to the hellhole that was Helion every weekend during the regular school year, but now that it was a semester break and they were supposed to go home, of course Sylva and Hadyn chose to stick around and be more obnoxious than usual.

Claire had woken up early with hopes of studying, but they were quickly dashed when Hadyn practically kicked down the door to wake Sylva up.

Claire frowned and tried to concentrate on the little bubble she was struggling to bounce from cup to cup at her desk, while whispers and squawks of laughter assaulted her ears all the way from the balcony. She wrinkled her nose. Of course Hadyn was smoking out there, too. How could Sylva stand it?

Maybe Claire should have taken Kayah up on her offer to go home with Alison? If Orpheus had only told her he was planning to ditch her half way through the break she certainly would have. Two weeks playing third-wing with Kayah and Ali would have been better than this.

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