Chapter 22: Warning

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Hayley's POV

I watched as Eric left with my father. I really hope he can become the man I know he can be. But for now, I need to investigate on this pack. For now, I've got my eyes on Fred Sanders. He will be training the pack and I will be there with them.

Sky and Jared are on the look out for Ridley Summers and Ashley James while they train. As for Austin, he has faked an injury to get to Doctor Hayes. I got dressed into my workout outfit. It was a bike shorts bra and yoga pants. I put on my trainers and pulled my hair up in a pony tail.

I walked downstairs thinking how long we have left. The Interrogation with Rebecca was 3 days ago. We have 2 weeks and 4 days left. I've tracked Rebecca's location. She's been going to the Rogue Palace and back. They torture information out of her, if she didn't tell, her mate and baby will be unharmed. I've seen the entrance and exits she's taken to see her mate and baby.

I've decided that Austin and I will infiltrate the Palace while the rogues are clueless. I got to the training grounds and see Fred talking to Ashley and Ridley. I walked to them and they saw me coming. Good, because once you see me, you won't know what hit you.

I plastered a smile on my face.

"Hey Fred. Ready for training?" I asked

"Yeah. They are all just warming up." He said smiling back.

I nodded and went to the group who were stretching.

'Im in position.' Sky linked me.

I see her near Ridley still stretching.

'in position.' Jared linked me.

I see him near Ashley. I nodded slightly making sure it goes unnoticed.

"Right everyone! I want you to run 100 laps around the territory, 50 suicides, 100 push ups and sit ups then return here. Go!" I ordered.

I watched as some ran, since I'm training them with Fred, I stood in the field alone with Fred.

"So how have you been Hayley?" Fred asks

"I'm good. Just stressed that I don't know what the rogues want with this pack." I said faking the stress.

I huffed in annoyance. In the corner of my eye I see Fred smirk. Well cocky much.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you can find out why they are here." He said.

"I hope so too." I faked. His smirk grew wider, thinking its going unnoticed. Dumbass.

"Maybe I can help. Do you have any new leads?" he asked trying to get information out of me.

"Well we did have one. But it lead to no where. Two rogues tried to kidnap someone while I was scouting out the pack grounds. It lead to no luck." I said, making sure he bought it.

In an hour everyone came back, I watched as they did their situps, pushup and suicides. Ashley, Ridley, Sky and Jared were the first to finish. Sky and Jared barely broke a sweat and Ashley and Ridley were huffing and puffing.

While Fred was teaching them offence in human form, I was teaching the other half offence in wolf form.

"Now, when your in wolf form, you have to find their weak spots. Use that to your advantage. Study them. What are their strengths as well. If you know you don't have enough speed, or strength then use your strongest traits." I yell as I walk around observing what they do.

I watched a particular pair. One wolf is a grey wolf and the other is a white and grey wolf. I see the grey wolf has a lot of speed and agility. The white and grey wolf has a lot more power, is easily tired out.

"Stop." I said to the pair I was watching.

I walked to them, their eyes on me.

"I see that this grey wolf has a lot of speed, but not enough power. And the white and grey wolf, a powerful yet gets easily tired. Instead of trying so hard to use their strength, study them. Learn off one another. Then and only then will your speed and strength match. " I said.

They nodded.

" Good. Now try again. " I said.

They went back to circling each other. They watched each others movements. I see that the white and grey wolf is picking up speed, not using to much strength and the other grey wolf, trying to match his speed with his strength. Good.

I left them and observed the other. Everyday they get better and better.

"Great work everyone. You may now go. Training is finished." I yelled. They left and Sky and Jared came up to me.

"So what are we gonna do with our problem. We have no leads for over a few days. We need to do something." Sky said. Good cover up sis.

"I agree. We need to do something. So far we got nothing." Jared said going along with it.

I sigh.

"OK. Jared, you scout out the boarders tonight, Sky your on Alpha and Luna gaurd. I'll be making sure everyone is back in their houses or rooms tonight." I said also going along with it.

"And what about Austin?" Jared asked.

"He is unfortunately in the hospital. He was recently attacked by some random rogue with a silver dagger with some traces of wolfsbane. The rogue is dead but he will be in hospital for about 1 week." I covered. Austin knows what to expect.

They nodded.

We went back to the house. We all did what we said we would be doing. Only I wasn't just gonna make sure everyone was going to bed. I made sure to write a little something to Fred, Ashley, Ridley and Hayes. I covered my scent, and wore my mask and my uniform. I slipped through the shadows into Ashley's room first. I watched as she slept and wrote a note. Next was Ridley then Fred and last but not least Hayes.

I went back home smirking. I placed a camera in the room without them knowing. This is gonna be fun. I thought to myself as I slept.
Fred's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock. I got up and looked at the time on my phone. Just then I saw a letter with my name on it.

I opened it. As I read it, fear surfaced and I knew I wasn't the only one who received this note.

'Fred Sanders,

You have been a very bad boy lately. I know what you plan. Although you may not know it, but I am there where ever you are. Last night you looked so peaceful. I thought why not have some fun. So I will give you a warning. Keep your act up and I will personally kill you slowly until you beg me to kill you. You and your little group of traitors, Ashley James, Ridley Summers, Doctor Hayes and Rebecca winters. They won't last long. This is the only warning I'm giving you. Until we meet again.


Nine more chapters. Thanks for reading my book. It really means a lot to me. I love seeing that people actually like it. I thought maybe I would try something a little different. Maybe half cliché but the other totally original.

But there are two people that I would like to say a huge thank you to.

That is @GimmeSomeHolyWater and @wolfgirl123foxy

I like reading supporting words of encouragement. For a 14 year old it feels overwhelming that you like my book. So thank you.

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