Chp 3 . Tryouts

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Ash pov~

We walk in the house coming back from the lake and store to see our little sister running full speed ahead to us

"Whoooaaa there Stella stop running before you hurt yourself " I lean down and pick her up , she puts her little arm around my neck and I give her a hug she giggle and reach behind me I pass her to Andrew and he give her a hug to

"Heey where have you guys been i have been waiting on you to play dolls " she says with a pouts

"Well princess we had to get you a gift " Andrew tells her I see her eyes go big and a beautiful little smile appears on her face


me and Andrew chuckle at her he puts her down on the floor and she grabs both of our hands and drag us outside to the car

"Come on twinzees I want my gift" she gave us that nickname when she was 4 now she is 6

"Ok ok " I say I pop the trunk of the car to see her laugh and run to see all her gifts , you might be wondering is it her birthday or something but its not every time me and Andrew go out we buy her gifts for no reason

"Wow twinzees you got me a lot of them" we chuckle at her and smell my dad heading towards us he puts his arms around our shoulder and laugh

"Wow guys again ?"

"Yea dad again we can't help it she's our little princess " I hear him laugh again and all 3 of us turn to Stella she looks back and look our dad

"Daddy where are my gifts from you ?"she says she tilts her head like a little puppy and pout I feel my dad stiffen

"Well thanks a lot losers "my dad says he walks off and picks up Stella

"Well honey I wanted to wait on you to go buy them " I turn to my dad and mouth 'nice save' he glares back at me and walks to the garage with Stella moments later I hear the car pull off

"Dude dad called us losers "Andrews says with a chuckle we head back in the house to hear our mom screaming for Stella

"Hey boys where is your sister ?"

"With dad "we say at the same time

"More gifts ?" she says

"Yea " I say rubbing the back of my neck

"Great now I'm going to have to but her some gifts before she gets back thanks a lot guys " she says she grabs her purse  and head out the door

"ANDREW!" I yell from downstairs



I see him running from down the stairs with a annoyed expression on his face

"You don't wanna go or something ?"

"Yea I do "

"Well fix your face twin " he looks at me and smiles we walk to the front door to see my mom getting groceries out the car

"Need help mom "

"Yes please " she replies me and Andrew go out in help her get the groceries out and put them up in the kitchen

"Thanks boys " we both kiss her on her cheek and head to the car

"Are we riding together ?"

"Yea but your driving "

"Why do I always have to drive "

"Because Ash your the oldest "

"By a couple of seconds !"

"Yea yea yea just drive "

"I head to the drivers seat and crank the car I wait till Andrew has his seatbelt in then we pull off towards the school

"Dude I'm so freaking tired " Andrew says while landing on the grass in the field

"Me to" I copy his actions we both are looking at the clouds in silence until he speaks up

"Guess what ash "

"What ?"

"Jake found his mate last night "


"Yea " he says in a whisper tone

"Do you think we will find ours ?"

"I hope not I don't feel like being tied down just yet ya know ?"

"Yea ash I know" he says with a chuckle we hear our names being called to see the other guys from tryouts ready to do another play

"Dude I'm starting to hate football " Andrew states

We get up and head towards the guys

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