Caught In The Act

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IT HAD BEEN A MONTH SINCE THE FOUR KIDS BEGAN THEIR FRIENDSHIP. After they came to terms with each other, everything just fell into place.

They realized that having friends was the most wonderful thing in the whole entire world. Not only could they joke and mess around with each other, but they could also have someone to watch their backs, someone to rant to, a shoulder to cry on.

And, sure, they got into fights sometimes that would lead to major injuries, but that was just how relationships worked.

The only problem was, they had to keep their friendships a secret- if their parents found out they were hanging out, they would be accused of working together to overthrow their parents, punished severely, and then never be able to see each other ever again.

They didn't want that, so they kept their relationships on the down-low.

But it was hard. Their parents definitely kept them busy, giving them endless chores, punishments, insulting them and telling them they weren't good enough for anything but being a mindless slave.

It was mentally and physically draining, and sneaking around everywhere when they finally had some free time didn't help. It was stressful and making them almost paranoid, maybe even a little bit insane.

Fortunately, all of the stress and anxiety tended to just melt away whenever the friends met, so it was all worth it.

"There, Carlos," Evie said as she finished wrapping up his arm. "That should do it!"

Jay and Mal were off shopping- or stealing, rather- to get more food and medical equipment, since they had to use the last of both on Carlos, who'd arrived bleeding and as hungry as a bear after hibernation.

The boy winced, then forced a smile that looked more like a grimace. "Yeah, thanks."

She nodded grimly, wiping the blood on her hands off on her jeans. Biting her lip, she studied her own arm, tracing invisible letters on it with her finger.




That was what that Dalmatian of a mother had carved into Carlos's arm, deep and raggedly.

He'd screamed a lot when she'd done it. She could tell by the hoarseness of his voice when he talked.

It made her stomach squirm and her fists clench when she thought about all the things Cruella had done to Carlos. It made her angry. It made her aggressive and snappy.

It made her absolutely wicked.

Every time Carlos came to the meetings with a bruise on his cheek, cuts everywhere, a black eye, or even just a little scrape on his elbow, she felt like ripping the monster of a mother into shreds.

At least her own mother didn't beat her. Sure, she starved her, made her do chore after chore, and made her be perfectly perfect in every way, but at least she wasn't abused.

"Evie?" A tentative voice said, breaking into her thoughts. "Evie, are you okay?"

Carlos was looking at her, wringing his hands nervously, his eyes filled with concern.

She tucked a blue strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just... just lost in thought, that's all."

Carlos visibly relaxed. "What were you thinking about?"

"I... I..." she stuttered. She didn't know whether or not she should tell him. "I was thinking about your mom and how much I hate her. She... she shouldn't... she doesn't deserve to live."

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