Chapter 4: Daddy and Papa

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"Hunny please I want both!" The younger male wines. "Fine how much?" He looks at the lady. "Oh um we haven't decided on a price yet they just got here today that's why they still look older." The bigger male nods and rubs his chin. "Kayden you know we have to wait so I'll ask you again do you really wait both."

The Kayden guy just stares back at him. "Can we make things go faster?" The teenager said. "Oh yes we can but we don't normally do that because we want to ease the baby in to the process, but it seems they are well behaved. I'll go ask the owner be right back." The lady left on her high heels. They clicked a few times then I couldn't hear it anymore.

"Oh hi baby." Kayden said. Allen was no longer in his arms but in the crib. He tickles my tummy and I started giggling. "Aw aren't you the cutest!" Kayden went over to the taller male and hugged him. "Thank you for letting me have both!" They started kissing. The teenager bent down to see me better and I could see him better. He had black eyes and black hair.

His eyes are pretty even though there only one color. I try talking to him but all that comes out are gurgles. "So your one of my new baby brothers." He took his finger out and poked my belly then he made shapes on my belly. I shut my eyes because it's comforting. "Hey dad this ones falling asleep." Kayden came up and looked at me.

"Oh soo cute! Oh the Lady didn't tell us what there names are." Kayden said. I can see Kayden a lot better now that he's hanging over the crib looking at me. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. I heard the clicking again and then the door opens to revel the same lady as before and two other ones. They all have that blue IV thing in each hand making total being 6. "She said it's ok."

All three of them came over to me making the teenager and Kayden move out of the way. One of the new lady's are moving my IV or what ever that thing is. The other new lady was moving the box that was connected to my mask filled with the smell of marshmallows that was slowly fading. The one lady that has been with me picks me up and we make to a hospital like bed thing.

"Hey buddy this is going to hurt...but! It will have you be able to go to your new family faster! Ya you want to go to your new home don't you." I look up at her scared are they all going to be put in me? They strapped my arms and legs down to the bed. "Ok here we go!"

She has the needle in her hand and the others do too. I start freaking out I try to move my body the best I can. I felt a pinch in my other hand and two others on my foot. I start crying to show I'm in distress and hate it.

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