Chapter 17 - Magic

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Things had changed between us ever since that day and Corbin had spent every moment trying to prove that it could all work out. He had stayed quiet, watching me from afar like he understood that I needed some space. He respected my wishes for me to call Jordan and let him know what had been going on, sitting in the background nibbling on his nails nervously while Jordan questioned me on the other line. 

"What do you mean he is staying with you?" Jordan scoffed. "Clara, you hate him. You have spent the last years glaring at him at every opportunity and suddenly you two are alone in our house? What is going on?" 

I noticed Corbin wince from the corner of my eye and sighed. "Jordan, please try to understand. I know you're angry I didn't tell you but we were both in bad places. We understand each other more than ever because we both dropped out and have no clue what we are doing...I-I didn't want you to be disappointed in me, neither did Corbin."

Jordan let out a deep breath on the other end of the phone and his voice turned colder. "Clara, put him on the phone. Put him on the phone now."

Corbin sent me a pleading look and I gulped, whispering into the phone in a weak voice. "H-He doesn't want to speak to you right now..."

Jordan laughed darkly, "Tell him to stop being a coward and answer my calls then! You're both being ridiculous and I-I've been worried out of my mind. You owe me an explanation and the most you can say is that he doesn't want to speak to me? That you two understand each other? If you two are having some secret love affair up there I swear to god-"

"It isn't like that" I persisted through gritted teeth, squeezing my eyes shut. 

"Then what is it like?" Jordan scoffed again. "Because I really have no idea, Clara. You are supposed to be my twin, you are supposed to tell me everything and right now you are both being idiots. I care about you two more than anyone else in the world and suddenly you team up against me and don't even tell me what is going on? Clara, don't be pathetic-"

Corbin suddenly snatched the phone away from me once he saw my lower lip wobble. His voice was raw, his words coming out in a rough voice. "Do not talk to her like that."

Jordan spoke up instantly in a sarcastic tone. "Oh, he finally comes to the phone! What the hell are you thinking, Corbin? You think you can use my sister when you're bored? She isn't like everybody else fawning all over you and just because I'm not there does not mean that it gives you a free pass-"

"I've had enough of this" Corbin snapped, "...and so has Clara. You can talk to me like shit and I'll put up with it but I won't let you attack Clara. She is your sister and she is more confused and alone than she has ever been. She feels like a disappointment already and right now, you aren't doing a good job at convincing her otherwise."

"She's my sister, put her back on the phone-"

Corbin glanced at the tears welling up in my eyes and muttered down the phone in a low and dangerous voice. "No, you call me back when you realize how much of a jerk you're being right now."

He hung up and when he saw my tears, he rushed over. He kept his distance at first, searching my eyes as if to make sure it was okay before he brought me into his embrace. I collapsed into his sweatshirt, burying my face against his chest as he stroked my back comfortingly. He rested his chin on my head and pleaded for me in a soft voice to stop crying, kissing the top of my head gently every so often. I simply squeezed him tighter and burst into more tears, hating how alone I felt although I was in his arms. 

He held me until I stopped crying and there wasn't a single ounce of selfishness to it. 


A few hours later, I was going through my paintings to calm me down, sorting through them and pausing on some of my favorite ones. The best ones were usually of him laughing or running his hands through his dark hair, the colors looking so realistic on the canvas that it still caused my heart to clench. 

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