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Publishing Announcement!

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Watch the awesome trailer above!

I am excited to share with you that 'Creatures of the Night' will be published by Wattpad Books in spring 2021 (or autumn 2021 for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere). This means you can pick up your very own copy next year! I am so excited and grateful to each and every one of you readers who made this possible. The published version will be slightly different from this Wattpad version. I can't wait for you to read it!

You can pre-order a copy now! Links are in my wattpad bio. Pre-orders help authors immensely so if you're interested and liked the book, it'd help me out a lot <3

Now, onto some useful information:


You can now earn free coins by watching ads! Simply click to buy coins, and there will be an option to watch an ad. 


As always, let's be nice to each other. Any nasty comments (to me or other readers) will be deleted and I will report you. 


If you encounter any issues with chapters (the layout is weird, you've bought a chapter and it won't show up, the chapter cuts off), simply delete the book from your library, refresh the app, and then re-add it. This works 95% of the time. In the case that it doesn't work, shake your phone and click to submit a help ticket.


And finally, enjoy :)

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Montrez votre soutien à Grace et continuez à lire cette histoire

par @Grace
Creatures of the Night is now published as a Wattpad Book! As a Wattp...
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Cette histoire a 62 Chapitres restants

Voyez comment les Pièces soutiennent vos Écrivains favoris, comme @cloudedwithstories.
Creatures of the NightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant