(21) - The Duo from the Cloude -

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Hours came and went. A soft, grey light leaked into the tavern through its slatted windows. The sun rose from the east. The tavern had mostly cleared out when the first hints of dawn crept upon them. Those Aelurians who'd been enraptured in their game of tokens had left after their third playthrough of the game. And then, not long after their departure, the others started to file out. The last to leave was Petrious and Eligan. They didn't say anything as they left, or in Eligan's case as he stumbled out, though Petrious had given them a nod.

Margo had become the mouse equivalent of incredibly drunk after she started on her second jug of scrub, and feeling braver than normal, she raised her jug toward the Wanesguard captain, lifting it high and then giving him a salute, her other arm pounded into her chest. Eligan had snarled at her but Petrious had remained calm. Abby had just been happy they'd left.

She heaved her head into her palm and rested her elbow against the table."What are we waiting for?" She sighed.

Abby had asked this question many times throughout the night. And depending on the various stages of Margo's drunkenness had gotten varying answers. A sober Margo had told her someone, but nothing specific. A slightly buzzed Margo had answered the question by telling Abby it was one of her friends, who, she was certain had a crush on her since they were in first cycle together.

As the night went on, and the scrub continued to smoke and flow into Margo's mouth, her answers became more bizarre. At a point where Abby was convinced Margo was thoroughly drunk, Margo had answered the question saying, "Al' kabetz," while sitting on Sebbi's shoulders and tugging on his ears. It took both Lucy and Abby to convince him not to tear Margo's head off with his teeth.

But this hadn't been Margo at her most drunk. That had came later when Abby saw the sun bob above the horizon. She'd asked her question again, still wanting to know who they were waiting for, not really expecting an answer, but she'd gotten one this time around. Margo'd told them they were waiting on Hestor, that he came bearing news, and that one way or another, they'd proceed with the plan to put one of the Crescent Moon bloodline back on the throne."

This had been the truth. Margo had gone past mumbling gibberish and straight into revealing the truth. Lucy jumped at the opportunity to get the tiny mouse-woman to divulge all her secrets.

"Who's the most handsome creature you've ever laid eyes on?" he asked.

Margo grinned, her body slumped over the table. "The Wizard Kellog," she said without skipping a beat.

Lucy's face fell because it obviously wasn't the answer he wanted. Abby chuckled and patted his back. "I've seen his picture, he's quite rugged."

Lucy placed his head in his hand. "Sure, rugged works for some but," he ran a hand down his arm. "Have you ever seen fur as soft and shiny as this?"

Abby nodded toward Sebbi. "Well," she started, but Lucy threw his head down on the table.

"Enough," he said, his voice hushed. "I admit defeat."

The sound of the door being slammed shut gave them all a jump. Even the bartender who'd fallen asleep on the bar top, rag in hand, drool on the tips of his whiskers, jostled awake and almost knocked over a shelf of dusty brown bottles. They all looked toward the door, and backlit by the emerging sun, stood a young man who could have passed for Margo's twin. His skin was just as brown as hers, with that distinct golden shimmer. His eyes were brown instead of her blue, matching the sea of chestnut ringlets that framed his small head. He brushed something off the shoulders of his long blue coat before Margo raised a hand in the air, a gesture completely pointless given they were the only ones left in the bar.

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