Chapter One

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Could anyone foretell the arrival of their headache? 

It was a skill I had yet to master. However, I could sense one forming with the first ray of the sun at this hour. 

"Your Majesty?" The meek voice of the maid made me clench my fists on the cold marble railing, "Lord Galvin summoned your presence."

The swift morning breeze ruffled my dark curls as my blue gaze wandered toward the world outside the wide balcony. 

The thin golden beam on the horizon kissed the brightening blue sky. Trickles of that ray touched the snowy peaks of the Southern Mountain on the west. A hoard of pegasuses neighed loudly at that moment, soaring high through the cloudless sky. Their shadows reflected over the calm navy waves of the Aswalan Sea in the far north.

Pity, such splendor of nature wasn't enough for me to avoid Grandfather.

After taking a lingering look at the world, I whisked around and brushed past the young maid. 

The maid flinched and stepped away when the white silk of my gown briefly grazed her cotton brown dress. She followed my steps until we left the chamber, parting our ways.

Soft clicks of my white heels were loud as I crossed the vast white hallways. 

Guards straightened and servants halted the moment I walked through their crowd. My chin rose high at their deep bows as I stared at the path ahead.

Destination? The west wing of the sixth floor—Grandfather's chamber.

I stopped at wooden brown, double doors. 

Two men in brown armor were standing there beside the closed entrance. They bowed and twisted the golden knobs before opening the world of a certain palace lord.

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