chapter 4

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She was not anyone, but she was someone special deep in my heart.

I wish she had never killed Ian's dad, so that I could have pursued her and asked her to be my girlfriend. I know it sounds a bit strange, since the person I hate the most was also my first crush.

Tears streamed down my face as I reminisced about my childhood, realizing the harsh reality of my past and my longing for true happiness.

As I glanced at my desk, my eyes fell on a small item that brought back memories of a happier time: a friendship bracelet Roselina had given me on my birthday. It was still sitting on my desk, as if waiting for me to wear it again. I scoffed at the idea. What good would it do?

It felt like a cruel joke, a reminder of what I had lost and what I had to let go. She was my sworn enemy now, and nothing could change that since I've grown to hate her.

Yes, I hate her from the bottom of my heart for causing so much pain to my friend. I have seen Ian cry for days and weeks because of his father's death. It broke my heart to see my once cheerful friend go through such devastating pain.

I hate myself more than her (Roselina).

I still vividly recall the moment when Roselina's sister Emma told us that she saw Roselina kill Ian's dad with her own eyes. At first, I couldn't believe it, but when everyone questioned her and noticed the bloodstains on her clothes, we had no option but to conclude that she was indeed the culprit. Moreover, she didn't even try to defend herself or provide any explanation, which only further strengthened our suspicion.

This tragedy shook everyone in the pack, especially me. It made everyone turn against her and treat her like trash. I still don't understand why she killed our pack gamma. Was she out of her mind? Fortunately for her, she was not punished for the crime.

I hate her for taking away someone so important to us, for causing so much pain and sorrow to Ian and the rest of the pack. I hate her for shattering the peace and trust we had in our community, and for forcing us to question the safety and security of our own kind. I hate her for being the reason why I can't trust anyone easily, for making me build a wall around my heart to protect it from getting hurt. Yes, I hate her for being my first crush, for making me fall for her and then destroying everything. But most of all, I hate her for not even giving us an explanation or a reason for her actions, leaving us to wonder and speculate about her motives. She might have gotten away with the crime, but she will always be remembered as the one who brought darkness to our pack.

There is a saying that goes, 'The person you love the most will hurt you the most, and you will end up hating them the most.' Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened in my situation with Roselina. She was once my secret crush, the person I admired the most in our pack. But her actions, like killing Ian's dad and causing so much pain and sorrow, made me hate her more than anyone else.

Recalling my memories:

I still remember the last semester when we had a school program for the first-time shifters. On that day, we were all excited to become werewolves, and to show our wolf form in front of our pack members. It was amazing to see wolves of different colours all around the school, except for one person. Can you guess who it was? It was Roselina. She didn't shift, and she didn't participate in any of the activities. It was like she didn't want to be part of the pack anymore.

I was taken aback by the sight of Roselina not being able to shift during the school program. At first, I felt the urge to protect her from the embarrassment and mockery that followed. But then, I remembered the pain she had caused in the past, which held me back from offering her any help. I couldn't fathom why she couldn't shift, maybe she was a non-shifter without a wolf. Unfortunately, instead of support, she was met with ridicule and laughter from everyone, especially her own sister Emma. I didn't feel any sadness or sympathy towards her.

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