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Spraying perfume, I do a once over of my attire in the mirror. I am wearing a white button down shirt with a black jeans and white converse, all set to board the plane for the flight to my Homeland, Moscow. I am going there to attend the wedding of one of my closest friends, Anna Giovanni.

We have met at a business gala two years ago. Her father and I are business partners and ever since that night, Anna and I have been good friends. And in a few days, she will be getting married to the love of her life.

I am beyond happy for her. 

She is one of the very few people who I are close to me and knows a lot about my personal life.

Getting in my car, I drive towards the airport where my private jet is ready and waiting for me.

The perks of being a successful CEO.

As soon as I place foot inside the jet, a sultry air hostess comes in my view flashing her fake ass tits in my face but I ignore her and walk towards my seat. 

I only have eyes for one woman.

 My girlfriend and soon to be wife, Amelia. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love her more than words can describe.

I am going to be away for two weeks but here I am already missing her when I saw her just an hour ago. She has me wrapped around her fingers and she knows it, too well. She is gorgeous, bold, confident and beyond amazing.

The pilot announces our take off so I fasten my seatbelt and relax in my chair before drifting off to sleep.

This is going to be a long flight.


I wake up after nine long hours of sleep.

Wow, that's the longest I have slept.

There is still almost an hour left, so I decide to freshen up and eat something. 

We finally land and as soon as I step out of the jet, a cold breeze welcomes me, making me shiver involuntarily.

Wow, it's fucking freezing here.

The temperature must be in minus. I see a black limo approach and the driver gets out of the front seat and walk towards me.

"Mr. Avenetti?" He asks and I nod my head in confirmation. 

"Welcome to Moscow. This way, Sir." He says and picks up my luggage.

"Thank you." I say, monotonously, and follow him to the car. 

Loading my luggage, he opens the door for me and I slide inside the limo. After about a twenty minutes drive, we arrive at a fairly large mansion-house and the driver rushes to open the door.

Walking inside, I was, at once, attacked in a hug making me chuckle.

"Easy there, tigress." I say and she playfully hits my chest. 

"I missed you, Apple." She coos making me cringe at the nickname.

Adam Apple? Yeah. That's the reference.


"Stop calling me that." I shudder and she laughs. 

"Come on, let's get you inside." she holds my hand and practically drags me inside.

Only her.

I would never allow anyone else do that kinda shit to me. 

"Congratulations Anne." I say and she nods totally focusing on the cupcake in her hand.

Where the fuck did that come from?

I shake my head at her childishness.

 Entering the living room, I am greeted with a sight of almost twenty people scattered all around including her parents and fiance. After exchanging the greetings, we sit down engaging in random chat mostly about the upcoming wedding. 

After dinner, we go to sit in outside in the garden while sipping on coffee.

Anna has gone to receive a call a few minutes ago and Adrian, her fiance, is planning his bachelor's party with us.

A couple of minutes later, she comes back wiping her tears from one hand and holding the phone in the other. 

"What happened baby?" Adrian was by her side, at once. 

I frown once I see that she has recovered from her mini breakdown and is now cursing in her native language, Russian.

"They're not coming." she says, causing my frown to deepen.  

"Who are you talking about?" I ask curiously. 

"Savannah and Nate." she sniffs.


Her best friends since diapers. I've heard a lot about them and have even met Nate but I've never seen Savannah. The way she talks about them both is quite something to hear as if they are her biggest blessing.  

"Why?" Adrian asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"She's busy with her hospital crap and Nate, too, with his business shit. I can't believe this. They're traitors." she sobs in his chest as he tries to calm her down. 

Oh, so she's a doctor.

"It's okay baby, let's get you inside. Yeah? We'll talk about this in the morning." Adrian pats her back. 

"NO! They can both go to hell." she snaps and runs inside leaving a bamboozled Adrian behind.

I chuckle and give him a thumbs up.

He sighs and follows her inside.

"So? How's business?" Anna's cousin, William, asks. 

"It's great. What about you? Heard your company's growing day by day." I ask and he nods.  

"Yes. All thanks to my lovely wife. I wouldn't have done it without her by my side." he smiles making me smile as well.

I hope I get to say that one day too. I'm not some love sick puppy but a man who would love to cherish his woman for the rest of my life.

And Amelia is that woman.


Unrequited Love ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant