Little Girl

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As Alicia blinks her eyes open, she expects to be faced with the Reaper and the grin of his raven. Instead she's greeted by the whipping of rain against walls, nearly drowning out the gentle crackle of a fire. Her fingers curl in soft furs as she draws in even breaths, trying to understand what's going on. The rain continues its persistent battle, the clap of thunder making her wince.

Alicia squints in the low light of what she sees is a cabin with its uneven wooden walls, a steady drip of water from the wood roof being caught by a bucket with a rhythmic tapping.

"Where am I?" she foolishly asks the darkness, as though it has ever been merciful.

"You're awake."

She starts at the smooth voice, shrinking further into the furs embracing her.

"It's me." The owner of the voice steps into the light of the fire, hands absently cleaning a shotgun.

But her fear dissipates upon seeing the black eyes, the full lips and high cheekbones of a woman she never expected to lay eyes on again. Her near midnight hair is done in its usual braid, wisps framing her strong jaw.

"Kathryn," Alicia forces past her dry throat. "What are you doing here?"

"That's a question I should be asking you." She sets her shotgun down by the crackling fireplace and moves to kneel by Alicia. "What are you doing beyond the walls?"

Alicia lifts her hand and presses it to her side, remembering bleeding out at Kathryn's farm. She should be dead. Both of them should be dead. No one comes back from exile.

"The bullet went through," Kathryn continues, offering Alicia a flask that she takes in a trembling hand and sips at, unable to tear her gaze from Kathryn.

She's changed. Her features are gaunter, sharper. Alicia recognises it like she's looking at her past self when she was fighting her battles in the slums four years ago.

"You'll live, but you're lucky."

"How did you find me?"

Kathryn sighs. "I wasn't looking for you, that's obvious. I was visiting David's grave."

"Gods," Alicia whispers, slumping back down on the lumpy pillow. "I'm so sorry, Kathryn."

"Three years ago now. I found this place when he died. I couldn't stay at the farm, not after it happened."

Alicia covers her eyes with a hand as tears threaten to spill. She can't think of words to speak. The past few days have been an overwhelming whirlwind and she should've died. But she didn't and now she has to sort through this mess.

"Alicia, you need to tell me what happened. Were you infected?"

Alicia turns her head and meets her aunt's dark eyes, a crease between her brows. "I'd be dead by now if I were."

Kathryn purses her full lips, her eyes narrowing. "Then why are you beyond the walls?"

Alicia blows out a breath and stares at the ceiling, trying to find some sort of strength amongst the slats of wood.

How can she tell her aunt that Alicia is responsible for the downfall of their family? For the death of her brother?

"I made a mistake. I made many mistakes." Alicia blinks and the visage of her ma flashes behind her eyelids, sneering at her, betraying her, selling her to the grand duke.

How could Alicia have known not to trust her own mother?

Alicia turns her head, a new thought coming to her and she's thankful for it. She doesn't want to think about the events that lead her here. "Where's my pack?"

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