39. Pause

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After witnessing the proposal, I felt a lot of emotions. It was too much and almost overwhelming.

It was just...seeing their happiness, being in this moment with them, I couldn't do it. At one point, I did really love him too. I had thought about my happy ever after with him. The crushing blow of reality was just a lot to face right now.

I didn't have to say anything, thankfully, since Danny spoke for the both of us. He said we had to go back and I smiled and nodded along with Danny's words, however much both Liam and Julie asked us to stay.

After saying our goodbyes, we were in the car and on our way to the airport.

The journey was quiet, only the faint sound of the radio filling the air between us, so that it wasn't suffocatingly silent.

My mind would just replay the moment he asked her. The moment he proposed and everything changed.

This really shouldn't hurt. The whole idea of Liam and I stopped the day he saw Julie. That was it for him. She was it for him.

However, that tiny part deep within me, one that I kept buried, that probably still thought of him as something more, that was hurting. It had just been crushed, it'd a take a second for it to recover.

"Are you okay?" I heard Danny ask.

I turned my head slightly, to see his focus was still on the road ahead of us he drive, but a frown was etched across his face.

I shrugged a little at his question. "I'm not sure," I told him.

It was an honest answer, because I really didn't know what I was feeling. I couldn't decipher it myself, I wouldn't even know what to say to Danny. It would probably be non-coherent rambling.

"Do you need a hug?" Danny asked.

I smiled at his question, knowing full well that he'd probably stop the car on the side of the road to give me a hug.

"I'm not sure," I replied, at least I didn't think I need one.

My answer clearly didn't sit right with Danny, who let out an annoyed groan. "What are you sure of, Rena?"

Unintentionally, I let out an amused breath. "They're engaged," I said out load, letting the words sink in.

Danny hit his palm on the steering, which caught me off guard and jumped slightly.

"I told you, you shouldn't have gone," he said, sounding frustrated.

"I'm sure it's a little too soon for an 'I told you' so moment Danny," I told him, turning away to face the window and everything that we were passing by.

"Right. Sorry," I heard Danny say. I didn't turn my head, but I could tell that he sounded apologetic and probably had a frown on his face.

I understood why he'd say that. He probably thought that if he had tried harder and stopped me from going, I wouldn't have been a part of what happened today. But then, it wouldn't change anything either.

"Even if I didn't go, they would still be engaged, Danny. You heard Liam, he'd been carrying the ring around all day, this was the intent. He probably thought to just include me in their happiness. Friends do that," I told him.

When I was little, my Mum used to sing the song 'Que Sera, Sera.' It was like a lullaby for me and she'd still hum along to it every now and then. I understood from that, there there was no changing things. If it was meant to be, it would be. That's what this day was.

It was just meant to be.

"Yes, but you're not just anyone," Danny told me, his voice as calm as ever. "You once loved the guy, or still do."

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