Chapter Eleven

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I couldn’t wrap my mind around the phone call I just got. It was nearly 6 AM what was she doing calling me with threats. My dad was still shaking me but I couldn’t talk. The words just wouldn’t come out. As much as I wished they would they wouldn’t.

Tears started to fall down my face and Indiana came and sat right next to me laying his head in my lap. My father still had his hands on my shoulder asking me what was wrong. All I could do was shake my head as the tears started to fall even harder.

Finally my dad gave up and just rubbed my back trying to calm me down. Indiana still had his head in my lap and was licking my hand. I was so grateful to have my father in my life and now I was even more grateful to have Indiana in my life.

“Okay.” I finally spoke up.

“Yes?” My dad asked looking at me with a concerned look on his face.

“The person who called me was mom.” I took a deep breath before continuing, “She said that she will find me and she’s going to kill me when she does. And then she just hung up the phone before I could respond. Why was she allowed to call me?”

My dad just shook his head he didn’t know why. I mean we never said she wouldn’t be able to contact us but still I never thought that she actually would.

“We’ll make sure she never calls you again, I’m gonna go talk with our lawyer about this.” He said before he stormed out of my bathroom.

I looked down at Indiana; he finished licking my hand and was looking up at me. His tail was wagging and his tongue was sticking out. He looked so darn adorable.

I stuck my hand in the bathtub and the water was freezing. I unplugged the drain and waited for the water go down.

“You’re still getting that bath hun.” I grinned at him as he stopped wagging his tail.

Once the water was completely drained and the tub was filled back up with warmer water I picked Indiana up and put him in the tub. He didn’t struggle as much as I thought that he was going to. He was just the cutest dog in the world. I’m so glad that I have him.

I was in the middle of shampooing Indiana when there was a knock on the front door.

“Hey dad can you get that?” I called down to him.

“Already on it!” he called back up and I continued to wash the shampoo off of Indiana.

When I had finished getting all of the shampoo off Indiana my dad came into the bathroom. I looked up at him as I drained the water from the tub.

“Who was at the door?” he was giving me a look that could only mean something bad was about to happen.

“Indiana has an owner already sweetie. He came asking if anyone has seen his dog. I told him that you found him on the beach and brought him back here because you didn’t see anyone around.” My dad looked sad that he was taking something that made me happy for a few hours away.

“Okay well, can you tell him to come up here? I have to finish drying Indiana off and then he can take him home.” I said sighing as I helped Indiana out of the tub.

My dad just nodded and walked out of the room.  I grabbed one of my towels off of the rack and began to dry off Indiana. There was a knock on the bathroom door.

When I looked up there was a guy about my age standing there. I was breathless because he was gorgeous. He had beautiful brown hair that brought out his gorgeous hazel eyes. His features were very well defined and his body, my god, he was so well built that his muscles were bulging out of his shirt.

“Hi” I said standing up. Wow that must’ve sounded stupid. He was gorgeous and I was average and all I could say was hi.

“Hey.” He chuckled leaning against the doorframe.

“So he’s your dog huh?” I stood up as I finished drying off Indiana.

“Yeah he is. I woke up this morning and he wasn’t there. I looked everywhere for him. I was so worried about him. Thank you for finding him though.” He said as a smirk lit up his face.

“You’re welcome. I waited around on the beach for about an hour and nobody came to claim him so I decided to bring him here until somebody did.” I looked down at my feet trying to fight back the tears.

I really didn’t want anybody to claim him. I became so attached to him in just the short amount of time that I had him. He was comforting to have around.

“Well I really do appreciate it.” He said before sticking out his hand, “I’m Liam by the way.”

I took his hand in mine and said, “I’m Kendall.”

He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. Oh yeah I was totally going to love living here.

“So you guys just moved in here right?” he said even though he already knew the answer.

All I did was nod which was pretty much the stupidest thing I could’ve done in that moment.

“That’s good, I’m glad that I’ve got such a gorgeous neighbor now.” I couldn’t help but blush at his statement. He called me gorgeous but I was so not gorgeous. 

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