FILE 4: Arkham Asylum, Meet the Little Boy

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Danny's POV

I should have learned my lesson when I was in the North Wing. Even with the map, I ended up in the visitor's center and then the Medical Facilities. I tried to talk to people but they would either ignore me or were to busy to talk.

I had decided to wear one of the lab coats and remove my suit jacket. I had tucked the folder and the other coats into my briefcase. The lab coat was a little bigger than me, but it still fit. It looked new and didn't have any stains, so that was an immediate plus.

Sooner or later, I made it to a corridor with the letter W on top of it and a metal gate. Outside of it, I see a security guard guarding in front of the gates. There was one unusual thing I had noticed about him; he had a hook for a hand.

'Perfect!' was the immediate thought that ventured my mind, I wanted to ask him the directions to the East Wing so I could, at least, be in the right place. I approached the uniformed man, hoping that he would actually answer my questions. But as they say; fingers crossed.

"Excuse me..." I looked at his name tag,"...Aaron Cash, could you point me to the direction of the East Wing?"

The security guard gave me a hard and suspicious look. I guessed it was time to use my new-old aura manipulation power. One of the many powers that developed as I sought after my identity as a therapist and a general helper of a person's mental health.

I expelled a calm and trusting aura and put a big old smile in my face. It's supposed to make people comfortable in my presence, though there were times that it didn't affect certain people. Some people didn't like lowering their guard even in the most convincing situations.

Aaron relaxed a little. He gave me an answer, "Therapist..." he read the title from my ID, "Ah, yes, I heard a newbie was just accepted. Heard you were pushed to E, tough luck. The first rule of Arkham; know your way around." From the light-hearted tone of his voice, I could tell he was being friendly. At first glance, he didn't seem the type to be friendly at all thanks to his hook hand a serious face.

"That's a good tip, only if I wasn't hopeless with directions without a GPS." I joked a little, earning a small chuckle from Aaron. It wasn't really a joke though, I was really that hopeless with directions. 

"Well if you want to go to the Eas-" He was about to give me directions before I heard a gruff voice from behind me yell out, "Get out of the way!"

I instantly moved to the side, peering behind me to see what was happening.

It was the strangest thing; three, heavily armored, guards were a safe distance while each held poles connected to metal restraints that held down a patient's arms and neck. The weirdest part was that it was connected to a little boy that looked to be twelve, but he was growling and struggling out of the restraints relentlessly. the only thing that came to my mind was that he was acting like a wild animal.

The little boy had the same, orange attire that all the patients had, meaning he was meant to be in this sort of place for some reason. His eyes were a light blue and his hair could only be described as a platinum blond, so light that it was nearly white.

"Cash!" one of the armored guards called as he tried to tighten his grip on the pole. "Call in and open the gate, Inmate B00526 needs to be escorted back to his room." Aaron immediately pulled out a walkie-talkie and said a few things.

I could tell that he was angry for some reason but also very scared, thanks to my empathy power. I gingerly walked to the boy and slightly knelt down. I made sure to keep a little distance since he was still growling and struggling. I gave a toothy smile and made sure my aura was calm and relaxed.

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