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THE HEADACHE WAS GROUND-BREAKING, making me wince at even the slightest of discomforts

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THE HEADACHE WAS GROUND-BREAKING, making me wince at even the slightest of discomforts. It seemed like I had seen this coming at night, considering how Aspirins lay on my nightstand as soon as I gained consciousness. That was the least of my concerns in the moment alone, though, because I was supposed to go somewhere today—and my cranky mood wasn't easing my mind a fraction—and added to that became the glowing smile that took over my face when I woke up to a song in the background.

It wasn't any other song, clearly. I didn't grin like a fucking idiot to any of them. And maybe grinning so wholeheartedly to a song I had danced to last night, right in the morning, posed a bigger problem than I could imagine.

As if the heavens had listened, I was also in for a lecture from my parents, making me prolong leaving my room. Curfew is curfew, Mom had said, even if you're having fun. Clearly, all my rationales went straight out of the window after a couple shots, and only stumbling steps and words prevailed.

I only remembered bits and pieces of the whole day. It was similar to a flimsy sheet draped over my memory, only slowly starting to unfold—but a part of me wanted it to be glued forever, because I had probably embarrassed myself in front of somebody. And while I brushed my hair, Liam was stood at the door, face stoic.

"Can I come in?"


He didn't just walk in. He stared at me like I was a lunatic, and then made himself comfortable on my bed.

I groaned. "What do you want so early in the morning?"

'Dad is angry," he bit back, rolling his eyes to the back of his head. "And if you want to let him go easy on you, I'd like for you to throw your tantrums away—especially with me—if you want me to help, of course."

I grit my teeth. He smirked. "I am his favourite, you know."

When he got no satisfactory response, he laughed. "Aw, are you upset? Then don't be out for so late from now on, doing whatever it is that you were doing with a blazer-clad dude at 1 A.M."

All colour drained from my face, eyes resembling saucers. I totally forgot about that. Where did I even keep it?

Nowhere was the answer, since Evan's blazer was sprawled over the chair right at the entrance of my room. My plans were never full proof, and the urge to crawl into a hole overpowered any other. "See, it's not like that."

"Like what, exactly?"

"Quit messing with me, Li."

"Answer me, then. Who's is this?"

"A friend's," I snatched it from his hands, and then rolled my eyes. "You saw what I was wearing. I would've frozen to death if he didn't offer me that."

"Are you going to keep it?"

"I'm returning it today."


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