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Samantha Davis's POV

I immediately start stretching my sore muscles as soon as I step off the bus.

Looking around I notice several people going towards there different friend groups, probably talking about what they did on during those excruciating hours. Or maybe they are discussing what they would like to do for the next two weeks.

One would think I would be jealous of standing by myself, not having anybody to talk to. But the truth is I prefer it. Everybody is this age group always seems to be so immature which annoys the shit out off me.

Anyway, if anybody was to ask why I was all alone I could use the new girl excuse as I only joined Oak Crescent about a months ago. I thought it would be a good idea to come here to make friends. I must have been dropped on my head as a baby to even has theses thoughts.

I mean, who needs friends? In what universe was it decided that it was socially unacceptable to not have them? Fucking idiots.

In my opinion, friends just drag you down. Especially if they don't accept you for who you are.

For example, I could make friends. Do all the shits and giggles you are supposed to do with them, only for them to turn there backs on me when they find out that I am a Mommy Dom. I don't want to be associated with people that don't accept my lifestyle so I prefer to only make friends within the lifestyle.

The noise of a whistle being blown draws me out of my thoughts.

I turn my attention to the male teacher, probably in his late 30s. From where I am standing It obvious that he must be standing on something to be that high up. Unless he just has long legs that make him about 8 feet tall.

This must be why I don't have many friends.

"Students off Oak Crescent, I am one of the teachers who has volunteered to come and be one of the supervisors for the trip."

He then points to the direction of where the food will be served. Informing us all the times of Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Next, he tells us where to go if we would be staying in a tent and where to go if we wanted to be in a room. Some people pick to sleep in a tent due to not wanting to share a room with strangers. While others want the whole camping experience.

It takes longer than necessary for us all to get our rooms and tents do to one of the teachers losing the sheets with our names and room numbers.

After collecting my room key, I grab my bags and make my way towards the room I will be staying at for two weeks.

With two strangers.

I should have picked a tent.

Samantha's Clothes up top


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