Chapter 19

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               "Alright Sammy, Hazey, you guys ready?" Miracle hinted towards the two women, who were already holding Kayden down on his bed.

            "What are you up to?" Kayden all but yelled as Sammy held his hands in a tight grip, while Hazel held his head still in a place.

               "Well, it's one way or another, sweetheart. Either you take these meds by your own will or I shove it down your throat. I gave you two days to take it on your own, but you skipped them. So now we have no choice. Do you have him in a stable state girls?"

          Kayden's eyes went wide at the sight of Miracle approaching him with the bottle of ugly looking syrup and some anti-biotics. He immediately pursed his lips tightly and tried to move his face away from Miracle and ugly meds. But the grip Hazel had was just too strong.

              "Kay, this is the last time I am telling you. Either you open your mouth and swallow the God damned meds or the outcome won't be good. The choice is yours." Irritationwas etched on Miracle's face. Kayden was behaving like a kid. If he didn't take the anti-biotics, there was a good chance that the wound would get infected, which could lead to many more problems.

                   Why doesn't he just get it? All this is for his own good.

                   You could say it's your father's influence. You know how fussy Ethan is when it comes to going to a doctor.



                    "But it doesn't taste good." Kayden whined like a kid kept away from his toys.


                   "That's why they are medicine, honey, not candies. Now, be a good boy and open your mouth." Kayden immediately pursed his lips and frantically shook his head, adding more fuel to Miracle's irritation.

                   "Fine then. Be stubborn. Sammy you know what to do." Samantha smirked at Kayden musteriously and nodded at Miracle. Very soon waves of pain travelled through his body, making hus scream at the top of his lungs. Samantha had pinched him on his thigh without showing any mercy. His open mouth proved to be an easy access for Miracle to slip in the pills and syrup.

               "Ughhhh..... yuck. My taste buds are going through a torture right now. Ewwww...." He gagged and made faces as both the women gave him the freedom to move.

                  "Phew, I had no idea my big brother was such a kid." Sammy said with a hint of relief and tease in her tone.

                     "I am not a kid." Kayden snapped at his sister for passing that comment. He was not a kid. He just did not like medicines and that was it.

                     "Sure you want to argue over that Kay?" Miracle raised her eye brows in amusements at his behavior.

                  "Whatever, big brother. We will leave you two love birds to your own litlle world. Come on Hazel, let's go pester Michael to take us out." Samantha said while hugging her brother and her to-be sister-in-law.

The Mutual Attraction (#3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon