chapter 26~ drift

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I avoided him at all cost, my eyes swollen I didn't want anyone to see me like this, we were back on the ship and I stayed in my room not leaving to go to dinner or anywhere, tomorrow I'd be home I couldn't wait..

l settled in my bed wondering if my roommate will come back soon, its dark out and there's a huge storm, maybe she's with her boyfriend
I closed my eyes intending to get some sleep

Knock knock

She has a key so that couldn't be her

"Who's that" I questioned there wasn't an answer only another knock I threw the covers off and got up putting on my dark shades

"Who's there" I asked again I sniffed and got no scent

I opened the door and allassandro stood outside

"I knew you wouldn't let me in if you knew it was me"

How come I didn't smell his sweet scent

'Again my doing'

"Look allassandro-" he pulled me towards him and smashed our lips together I couldn't find the strength to pull away so l gave in, his arms wrapped tight around my waist I felt tingles in my stomach

"I can't live without you please don't leave me" he looked so vulnerable his eyes bloodshot
He was drinking

"I'm sorry its just hard for me to accept that someone like you actually likes me a nobody, I know its the mate bond and you don't actually want me-

"Ruby no listen I've always noticed you even before I knew you were my mate, the first time I saw you l couldn't take my eyes of you and getting to know you just proves how perfect you are for me, you're different ruby and I love it so please just give us a try" he pleaded

"I'll try" he kissed me again briefly then took off my glasses "please don't cry anymore it breaks my heart"
"I just can't get over the fact that you actually like me for me" a stray tear fell from my eyes and he kissed it
"People do things to make my life miserable just to show me how not good enough I am, they even go the distance to humilate me in front of other just like when dean found me"

"found you where?" he had a confused look on his face
He didn't know

"Found you where ruby"

"Dean didn't tell you?"

I sighed and began telling him what happened in the alley with Lorraine and the other jocks " ..... And dean brought me home"

"What!" He growled

"I'm going to kill them and when I'm done with them I'm gonna teach lorraine a lesson no one messes with my mate, no one!" his eyes switched to black and l knew then his wolf took over
"Are they on board" I didn't want him to kill anyone! Oh god

"Are they here ruby?"

I nodded quickly, he turned and l held on to his hand
"Wait please don't kill anyone, I'm over it I promise" he didn't listen, kissing my forehead he walked off
Shit what do I do

Shayla what do I do!

'I don't know go after him"

I ran outside in my oversized shirt and jeans shorts seeing him with Lorraine oriana, Joshua and dean
he was behond pissed at dean

"You should've told me what they did!"
"Allassandro" I shouted running up to the side of the ship where Lorraine stood with her head held low

"Where are they, the guys that helped you, where are they!" He questioned lorraine

"They're not here"
he turned back to dean "names I need names"

The ship was getting really rocky, it swung to the side causing lorraine to lose her balance she grabbed on to me and we were both flung over board including oriana who stood beside us some stuff that was on the ship followed "Help, l can't swim it's too deep!" Lorraine grabbed on to my head, drowning me trying to stay a top

"Allassandro" l shouted

"where are you!" there was a splash and I assumed he jumped over because l couldn't see a thing

"Ruby" he called

"Baby" lorraine shouted "I'm here help me"

his voice getting close "I'm coming for you" he grabbed on to me and l was reliefed when I felt his arms around me "are you okay" he asked worried pulling Lorraine off me

"Dean" he shouted "get some-" before he finished dean jumped in grabbing on to lorraine and oriana
"are you okay" my mate asked
"Yeah I'm okay" I blew out a breath

"Are you guys okay" Joshua shouted from above "I'm coming in"
"No-" everyone said


"Why did you jump in!?, you should've went to get someone or better get a damn rope!" dean bellowed

We saw a small boat drifting and we all got on and tried paddling towards the ship

It was no use even with the six of us, really it was four because lorraine and oriana did nothing we were too slow and we had no paddles the ship was far away from us, the storm roaring no one could hear our calls

"Oh god what do we do" I was freaking out

"Hey ruby it's gonna be okay look at me, its gonna be okay" he hugged me and l hugged back like my life depended on it

While lorraine glared at me

I woke up with my hair spread all over his chest I jumped up quickly when l remembered what took place last night

"shit, shit what do we do" I woke allan up

We were floating in the middle of the ocean everyone fast asleep

he got up looking around "it looks Around six a.m no one will notice we're missing until ten, but when they do" he grabbed my face "they will come looking for us and we'll be home before you know it"
slowly everyone woke up

it seems we have been floating around for 2 and a half hours or longer l don't know
my lips were dry

"We're going to die before they find us" I stated with no emotion

"Are we!?" Lorraine panicked
"We're not going to die" he looked determined
"what's that" joshua pointed

things that fell off the ship were floating around us
Allan jumped off the boat trying to get most of the stuff, he found an half empty bottle of water and gave it to me
I opened it ready to taste the tasteless liquid that would probably quench my thirst but before I could get a drop lorraine grabbed it and downed it one go oriana pleaded with her eyes for a taste

"You could've left some for her" joshua barked

"I could have" she laughed

"l'm okay"

Allan kept trying to get something useful from the ocean but all he found were pieces of clothing, trash bags and a small knife in the trash bag amongst other things "An island" deen pointed

"yes we're saved, someone could help us call for help" I got all excited

We drifted on land the guys got out and pulled the boat up so it won't drift back out again

"Wait here I'll go find someone" Allan said and dean followed

I stood there waiting for them to come back

They must've realized that we were missing by now right? damn it what time is it

"Ruby.." they ran to us with a worried look on their faces

"Huh?" I turned to look at him

"There's, there's no one else here"



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