"What happened to the smell?"

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There's a knock at the door. "Montgomery?" Someone says. Aria sighs in relief and tells Ezra to unlock the door. He does so and officers flood into the apartment along with Lieutenant Tanner. "What's going on?" She asks. "Next door. Spencer Hastings, the released Radley patient, I found a body in the tub." Aria says. Ezra nods in confirmation. Tanner nods to her officers who leave the apartment and walk to Spencer's. Aria and Ezra follow closely behind.

     Tanner joins them and knocks on the door. A few shuffling moves and the door opens. Spencer looks at the officers and Tanner, then at Aria and Ezra. "Hello." She greets timidly. "Hello Ms. Hastings. I'm Lieutenant Tanner. We heard of an odor and something in your bathroom, may we come have a look?" Tanner says. Spencer looks at Aria and Ezra before opening the door. "Come in." She says. They walk in and look around. "What's with the newspaper on the window?" Officer Cavanaugh asks. "I haven't bought shades yet. I thought I deserved my privacy while I unpack and get settled in." Spencer answers.

The officer nods and he moves with his partner to the bathroom. Aria looks around in confusion. The apartment looks more put together than before. She smells the air like a hound. What happened to the smell? That horrible smell of death is now replaced by wonderful scent. "What happened to the smell?" She asks. Ezra notices it too. "What smell?" Spencer asks back. "You know what smell. It's the body, remember? The one in the tub?" Ezra shouts. Spencer gives him a confused look. "I don't know what body you mean." She says. They look at the bathroom as the officers step out.

"No body." Officer Anderson says. "What?!" Aria screams. "The bathroom's spotless. Not a body in sight." Officer Cavanaugh says. Aria runs past them into the bathroom, noticing she can open the door fully now. She looks behind the door, not seeing the buckets from before. "There were buckets here! Where are they?!" She screams. Everyone looks at Spencer. "I don't know what buckets you're talking about." She says. Aria looks at Tanner. "There's Nothing here Aria. Whatever you saw...or smelled, is not here." "That's ****ing crazy! We know what we saw! She hid the body somewhere, it has to be here!" Ezra yells. "Mr. Fitz, calm down-" Ezra grabs the collar of Spencer's shirt. "Where is it! Where is the body!" He screams.

The officers pull him off of her while she stares at him with a stoic face. "If you don't calm down the only one who will be arrested is you!" Tanner yells. She turns back to Spencer. "We apologize for the inconvenience Ms. Hastings. Have a nice day." She says as she and the officers exit the apartment. "You too." Spencer replies, looking at Aria and Ezra as they leave.

"There's nothing?! Maybe you can take another look!" Aria screams. Tanner faces her with an annoyed face. "That's enough. There is no evidence of any crime and we don't have a search warrant. Just let it go." She says. "And you," She walks up to Ezra, "If I hear that you're making trips to her apartment and trying to play detective, I'll have an arrest warrant for you." Tanner and her officers leave the building. Aria and Ezra go back to his apartment. "I can't believe it. Where could she have put everything?" Ezra asks. "I don't know. But I need to get back to work." Aria says. "Right. Where's your bag?" Ezra asks as he realizes his ex's purse isn't in the apartment. Aria thinks for a moment before sighing. "I left it on the couch in her apartment." She says.

"I'll go get it." Ezra says. "No, I'll be quick, and I don't want you to get arrested." Aria tells him. They say their goodbyes and Aria leaves, walking to Spencer's apartment next door. She knocks on the door and waits as slowly steps approach. The door opens a crack. "I came for my purse." Aria says without looking at Spencer. The door closes and footsteps walk to the couch. Her keys jingle as the purse is picked up and footsteps walk back to the door. It opens slightly again and Spencer hands over the purse. Aria grabs it, while also touching the tall brunette's cold and dry hands. Once the bag is in her possession, she turns and leaves without a goodbye. She's halfway down the stairs to the lobby when she hears Spencer's door close.

     Aria drives back to the Police Department and walks inside. She gets looks from her colleagues as she goes to her desk. Mona stares her down as she sits down. "How could you do that?!" She whisper yells at Aria. "Well Hello to you too." Aria says sarcastically. "I'm serious. I told you she was dangerous and you didn't listen to me!" Mona says. Aria sighs. "I'm sorry. I just...need to know more about. You know the Alison Dilaurentis case? She's a suspect." She says. Mona rolls her eyes. "Of course she is. Listen, don't talk to her, okay? At least not alone." She says. Aria nods and Mona sighs in relief before they resume their work.

     Spencer walks to her bed and unplugs her phone from her charger. She presses a contact and waits for the person to answer. "Hello?" They say. "Hey. Did you get everything into the storage locker?" Spencer asks. "Yeah. Did I leave anything behind?" The person asks back. "No. The cops didn't find anything." She answers. "Good. You need to be careful next time. I'm happy to help you out, being your twin in all, but don't drag me into something that you can't get us out of."

     "I've got everything under control. I'll handle those two." Spencer says. The receiver sighs. "Fine." They say, then hangs up. Spencer throws her phone on the bed and walks over to her shoes. She slides on a pair of boots, grabs her keys and jacket, and heads out the door.

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