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My first date was hilarious—for all the wrong reasons. Here's what happened...

I checked myself in the mirror for the umpteenth time. I was wearing this cute pink top with picnic jeans that reached till just below my knees. It was summertime, and the day Alec and I were going to our first ever date.

I was excited—well, of course, I was. Alec was a romantic, and he insisted on choosing where we went. He wanted it to be a surprise and I had no problem with it at all. 

The doorbell rang, and I skipped out of my room to open the door. As soon as I did, I was met with nervous green eyes and a beautiful dimpled smile. "Hello, Harper," He said, biting his lips ever so slightly. One of his hands held a bouquet of lilies, while the other gently grasped my own, kissing it. 

I beamed, "Why, hello, Prince Charming... You look sweaty."

He immediately dropped my hands, as his eyes horrified and panicked. "H-Huh?" He yelped, and I laughed.

"Chill, Alec. I'm just kidding. You look very, very handsome." I smiled, as I looked him up and down. 

He really did look very, very handsome. He was wearing a button-down white shirt, with its sleeves rolled up, and loose blue jeans. His hair was gelled into perfection and his face looked flushed in this adorably dorky way, probably embarrassed by my compliment. 

"You too," He said. He was staring at me, the same way I'd been staring at him – observant, focused, attracted. My eyes snapped to his, and he blushed, "Well, no, I mean – not handsome – I meant that you look good. Uh, pretty. Really. Pretty. You do."

A nervous laugh escaped his lips while a roaring one left mine.

"Thank you," I curtsied, only because I was feeling playful and he was acting extremely cute, "Are those for me?" I pointed at the flowers. 

It was like he just noticed the bouquet in his hands, despite its massive size. Blushing red, he nodded, "Ah! Yes. Here. They're lilies." 

He pushed the flowers into my face and I smelled them, "Thank you. Why don't you come inside? I'll just put these in a vase and then we can go do whatever you've planned for us."

He looked like a deer stuck between headlights at the mention of coming inside my house. "O-Okay," He managed to squeak out.

"Don't worry," I called to him, already walking through the hallway into the kitchen; he was following close behind, "My parents aren't home." 

He visibly relaxed, "Oh."

"But," I turned, when I reached the sink, a guilty smile on my face, "My brother is."

Alec's eyes widened, the size of saucers, at the mention of my brother. I'm pretty sure he knew him. Every guy knew my brother, Hayden Chase, the legendary quarterback of our school – at least before he graduated last year and went off to Uni. 

But Alec didn't have time to respond to my statement, because a new voice echoed from behind us, "Harps, I think I just heard the doorbell rin—" 

Alec and I turned, with a sudden jolt, to face my brother. Standing at the door, with one of his hands on his stomach, mid-scratch, and the other pointing at Alec, with his jaw gaping, my brother shrieked, "W-W-WH—?"

Before Hayden could grab a frying pan and beat the living daylights out of my prospective boyfriend, I intervened, standing between the two, "Woah, calm down, Gorilla. He's not some creep. He's my date."

Alec meekly nodded in confirmation, from behind me. 

My brother's previous wide eyes slowly dissolved into plain bored ones, "Oh," He said, realization sinking in, "Well. Don't make out in the common rooms. And the couch is off-limits."

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