Chapter 10

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The silence continued once they made it back to the house and moved their finds into the house. Isabelle stalked off to her room and slammed the door.

Brenna took her packages to her room and changed into some plaid pajama shorts and a tank top. She made herself a cup of hot cocoa and hobbled, using one crutch, to the couch where she commenced to change the bandage on her foot.

Slowly the other tenants of the house began to trickle into the common area as she worked. Soon everyone but Isabelle lounged about in the living room. The conversation started off slowly but eventually became jovial and light.

"It's been great but I can't wait to get home to my baby!" Derek patted his wife's leg in agreement.

"My garden and the grass are going to be out of control! The neighbor is watering them but I didn't ask her to pull weeds or mow," Brenna grimaced. "I'll probably spend all afternoon after we get off the plane weeding. I don't know what I'm going to do about mowing just yet."

"I'm just hoping I really did get every piece of perishable food out of my house. I missed some potatoes last time and walked into the most disgusting smell ever!" Becca looked ill just remembering the memory.

"I didn't think about that at all," Mac confessed. "There will be a couple of science experiments waiting for me in the fridge."

"Gross!" Derek lightly swatted at Mac who only shrugged sheepishly.

"Well I'm glad all my so called friends have recovered so well from not assisting me as I was being assaulted." Isabelle walked into the room her face a mask of scorn. "You would all probably be just as pleased had I been killed."

"Oh get off the pity pot and stop being such a drama queen!" Pete rolled his eyes. "You weren't really battered. You were kicked out of the store by an angry wife. Likely for being trampy if I had to guess."

"Oh of course it's my fault I got assaulted! Leave it to Pete to call me trampy!" Isabelle was flinging her arms wildly and yelling now. "Would you be saying that if it was dear sweet perfect Brenna who'd been thrown out onto the street by that woman?"

"Well, number one, Brenna is too smart to go flinging her body around to try and get what she wants and thus doesn't get herself into situations like that." Pete took a breath. "Number two, if the shoe fits, wear it!"

"Don't make this into something it isn't Isabelle. No one is out to get you. We are just stating the facts. If it had been the guy I'd have jumped to your defense but it looked to me like the woman objected to your behavior and showed you the way out. The Village was circling and we needed to get out of there." Her face showed no change. Only stubborn anger. "Do you ever think of anyone but your self?"

Derek and Pete both threw their hands up in disgust when she simply crossed her arms and gave them all a disgusted stare. "And all you guys call yourselves cops. Pathetic!"

Brenna could listen to her insults no more.

"When I walked into that shop you had yourself plastered to the top of that case. You were leaned over with that guys face practically planted in your cleavage. I don't know what you think you were getting there but you were seriously pissing off his wife." She took a breath. "Don't play victim here. You play your games and those games have consequences. She didn't really hurt you she just put you in your place. The only thing injured was your pride!"

"Don't you even think about talking to me that way Brenna! You on your damn pedestal! You're no better than me. You use your little injured bird routine to keep the men sniffing after you and then you don't even want them! Maybe it's because you know they would eventually see your scarred up, disgusting body!"

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