Jared's personal asylum

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I thought she was going to die. I thought my chances at fatherhood had been shattered. I had never been so scared in my entire life. While we drove back to the hospital, Issa and my wife did everything they could to keep her warm; she was freezing under that rain. Sophia had even taken off her own blazer to cover her up. I could see her continually throwing dirty glances at me through the rear mirror. At some point she had to ask me something to calm her spirit.

Meanwhile, I had my own questions crawling through my mind, like; how did she not feel she was slowly killing herself? How did she forget she was carrying a child? How could she have been so reckless? To say I was mad, at her, would be an understatement. I was enraged. But even so, I was scared. If anything was to happen to her, or my baby, my last hope of having a child of my own; my own flesh and blood, all would have been lost.

We reached the hospital and immediately she was taken care of. Dr. Andrew Seuss and some of his nurses did their utmost possible to save both her and the child she was carrying. I had never been as happy as I was when he told me they were both OK.

"How old is she," Sophia asked when I had displayed way too much excitement. Her tone was calm and collected.

"She's eighteen."


"I know, I know! She too young but I couldn't barely make a difference between both my shoes that night. I was so drunk." Sophia just stared at me. Then she let out a heavy breath,

"She's a child Jared!" I knew was hurting at that moment, but she could stay calm and collected through anything, "At least she's of legal age. I don't have to worry about visiting you in jail."

Everything else worked out fine. Sophia promised to stand by my side and support me through everything.

Suddenly, the psycho woke up and she went all crazy about being driven back to the hospital after she'd lost consciousness. So Sophia and I decided to bring her back to our house, with the Doctors permission of course, and a nurse to watch over her.

There she was, calmly and very peacefully sleeping in one of the guest rooms of the mansion; in Sophia's night wears. I stood by the door watching as she snored her way to a peaceful night; actually it was already morning. I had wanted to go in for a paternity test before, but now I was more convinced than ever that in that little tummy of hers was beating the heart of my flesh and blood.

For a second, I was tempted to approach and lay my head on her tummy to listen. I wondered if the baby was well formed enough for me to hear it. I pushed myself closer to her, close enough to think I was just crazy to think I could hear it.

In an attempt to turn back, I caught a glimpse of her face. Then I wondered, what could be so wrong in this world that would cause this innocence to go through everything she has had to go through. I don't know if it was makeup or natural but the slight glow on her cheekbones complemented perfectly her pink soft lips. On top of that full dark lashes that made her look like a real life barbie. She was beautiful. Too beautiful to be crazy. Too beautiful to throw her sanity away in the mud all because of life's toll on her.

I decided: if it meant getting closer to her, I would do it. Before I'll ever have to part ways with her, I'd make sure Maraïda was sane again and ready for a better life.

"Do you intend to sleep here with her?" I heard Sophia say at the door. It skipped my mind that she would be waiting for me in our bedroom; and truth be told, I did feel like sleeping in here with Maraïda, for safety purposes only. Also because she was so enchanting to watch as she slept.

"Of course not love! I just couldn't help myself but feel really bad for her." I said guiding us out of the room, "but now that she's here, she'll be fine."

We retreated to our chambers.


Maraïda's POV

How was it possible to have never gotten a good night sleep in different locations for the past ten years of my life but in Jared's personal asylum, I slept without another care in the world.

It was funny to think that even after he'd seen how crazy I could get, he still had not change his mind on letting me stay in his house.

The early morning sun rays: beautiful, but not my morning coffee. I hated it! All I wanted was to sleep in all day in peace. I didn't want to have the opportunity to face Jared Shenko, or worse his wife.

Pushing myself up from the bed, I winced as I felt a slight aches from my thighs down to my heels.


I knew I hadn't been battered overnight. My memory drifted off to the past. On one night that I crawled into my moms bed, feeling scared of the dark, only to be awaken by strokes of a belt being lashed upon both of us. My father had not appreciated coming back home to do some marital business with his bitch only to find me in the way. I still bore the scars of that past. I just wanted to forget.

"Good morning miss!" I heard a voice say. A bubbly elderly lady in a nurse's attire stood at the edge of the bed smiling at me; a real ray of sunshine.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Dora. I was assigned by Dr. Seuss to take care of your medical needs while you stay with Mr. Shenko. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Like shit but nothing new about that. Where is he?"

"He asked me to get you ready for breakfast."

"Thanks but no. Tell him I'm not coming."

"Oh but that wasn't a request darling!" Jared said entering the room, carefully folding the sleeves of his sky blue shirt that perfectly complemented his eyes.

"I doubt you've had anything reasonable to eat since the accident and that doesn't comply with your situation or with me." A ridiculous smile spread across his face making me want to punch it, "Be down in twenty, OK?" He finished before disappearing behind the door.

Shit! Why is he so damn hot? I thought.

"Oh no! I didn't just think that."

Maraïda: The Billionaire's Surrogate (Billionaire One)(Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum