CHAPTER 3 - Rosefall

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It only took a minute to trot over to Rosefall Hill-they were already by the footbridge. Grady wanted them to run, but Gialyn was having none of it; competing in the hill climb would be embarrassing enough, he didn't have to add apparent eagerness to his shame. They came upon a large group of people gathered together on a flat stretch of land at the bottom of the hill path. The crowd was much bigger than Gialyn had expected. They couldn't Rosefall Hill-they were already by the footbridge. Grady wanted them to run, but Gialyn was having none of it; competing in the hill climb would be embarrassing enough, he didn't have to add apparent eagerness to his shame. They came upon a large group of people gathered together on a flat stretch of land at the bottom of the hill path. The crowd was much bigger than Gialyn had expected. They couldn't all be here to watch the race, to watch him. Gods! He made his way through the throng and raised his hand when Seth Garriner called on all those who had come to take part in the climb.

Fool, all you had to do was keep your hand down.

Ealian was there with his father, Theo Tanner.

The emissary's son was a few months younger than Gialyn-he was also Elspeth's twin, although you would not have guessed, they looked nothing alike. Ealian was running on the spot while his father rubbed his shoulders and whispered into his ear, doubles giving his son instructions on how to win the race. Ealian would nod and make fists each time Theo slapped him on the back. They seemed to take it all very seriously.

Gialyn lined up on Ealian's left.

The emissary's son shot him a haughty glance. "I didn't think you would bother, Re'adh, not after last year."

A heckling chorus rang out from the group standing behind Theo Tanner. Astin Barrair and four of Ealian's "friends" were pointing fingers and laughing. Gialyn had long believed the four only pretended to like Ealian because he brought them things. The spoilt fool always had money to spend.

Seth Garriner, the lanky assistant from the Lesgar Inn, gave a loud whistle, then began to explain the rules, "No kicking, pushing, pulling, or tripping. You start at the last of three whistles. The first to raise the Red Flag on the hilltop wins. Three silver for the winner, two for second place, and one for third. Any questions?"

Gialyn heard shouts of encouragement from Grady, Meric, and a few others he didn't recognise, but nobody asked any questions. He wished someone would, just to put the whole thing off for a few moments longer.

What am I doing?I could be watching the fiddlers.

Maybe he could skulk into the background while everyone focused on Seth.

Too late.


Gialyn felt nerves biting at his stomach as he looked down the line. Ealian gave him a contemptuous snigger.


He stamped the floor to make sure his boots were-


Gialyn started at a hop, almost tripping over his own feet. He was dead last by the time they hit the base of the hill. Leaning forward, he cast a wide stance. Kicking his heels into the hard ground, he pulled at the long grass while thrusting down with his legs. The first half minute passed quickly. Looking around, he was surprised to find himself in fourth place. Steady breaths shortened into hard panting. Despite the hot sun, the air felt cold in his throat. One after the other, and in a steady rhythm, he planted a foot and pushed off... planted a foot and pushed off... planted a foot... "Balance first, speed second," is what Grady had told him, on the way to Rosefall. It seemed to be working: three-quarters of the way and he was solidly in second place.

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