Part 6

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Meghan Polinsky's POV.
Day 1, mid-day

Waking up to screams and the feeling of your stomach dropping is almost unreal. But it was. It was very real.

It was sudden. So sudden that I barely had time to think, or react. Let alone calm myself down.

The plane was shaking violently. My head was thrown and with the force I hit my head on the window. Hard.

Jerking my head back from the surging pain that pounded in my skull I looked at the window and saw a smear of blood and a small crack on the window. The planes window that was supposed to be unbreakable. My eyes went slightly black and I saw the water getting closer.

That's when it hit me. I was going to die. This is when I die and I could never, ever, get my life back after this plane collided with the surface of the ocean. I didn't have time for prayers. But I wasn't going to let myself die early either. My vision was blurry from my tears that were beginning to take pride in my eyes. I pushed them away faster than my fear.

I felt my stomach drop as if I was on some sick roller coaster and I wanted off.

I felt something hit my face and my hearing started coming back. I could hear the screams of everyone on the plane. I stared at my white mask dangling in my face before grabbing it and putting it on. The flight attendant was yelling orders on how to save yourself. But I knew no one would live.

I bent over and put my head in between my knees like the blonde flight attendant said to do. I could feel my body shaking violently, uncontrollably. Tears started again but I wouldn't allow it.

Staring at my shoes my stomach dropped again. I felt the plane dip and saw smoke in front off my eyes. Now I was rocking back and forth. I could feel my hair flying around my face already from the force of the plane going in a spiral downwards. My stomach was dropping on repeat making me want to throw up. The feeling never going away. Descending was all the plane was doing.

No more engines worked. The dropping feeling I had in my stomach was never going to leave. I felt bitter vomit rise in my throat. Still staring at my shoes I begged for this to be over. The piercing screams and cries out to people I never knew and some screaming to god filled my ears. My ears rang from warning alarms going off. I shut my eyes tight and said a quick prayer.

I remembered everyone I have ever known. Taylor. Nico. My parents, all my friends, even Darcy. I hoped Taylor's wedding would be perfect because I wouldn't make it. I'd be dead.

You would never picture yourself to be in this situation. But I was, and I felt a sudden feeling that I've always taken my life for granted. That was my last thought before everything went black. And everyone's screams were silenced.


Darcy Allen's POV.
Day 1, mid-day

I shut the survival at sea book and I finished reading the last page. I suddenly felt tiredness consume me. As I began to close my eyes, Ginny woke up. "Wow! How long was I out?" Ginny said in a sleepy but cheery voice.

"Not long," I said smiling. "I finished my book," I announced proudly. "Oooh. How was it? Did you learn how not-to-die?" She said. "Yes. I mean I suppose so, I won't be having to survive at sea anytime soon so..." I told her.

"Huh. Anyway, want anything to eat? Any snacks? Anything to drink?" Aunt Ginny asked with her big blue eyes looking at me.

"I'm a little thirsty," I said honestly. "I'll get you water." She said waving over the flight attendant with the cart.

"One water please," Ginny said sweetly to the attendee while handing her a twenty-dollar bill.

Wow, the plane drink must be expensive. I'll never take water for granted again geez. Thinking about that made me giggle slightly.

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