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After stretching, Toshinori instructed you all to begin warming up with a simple sprinting drill on the field. You lined up with your teammates; Eyes focused on the task ahead, and you jogged onto the field when it was your turn.

However, as you approached the line, a certain someone thought it'd be a good idea to deliver a harsh smack to your rear end, and you yelped before glaring at the perpetrator,

"Make me proud, Princess~"

He flirted, adding in a wink, and you cringed whilst shuddering in disgust. You balled a fist, preparing to deliver a fatal blow, that is, until, Coach blew his whistle and gestured for your group to hurry and complete the assigned drills.

With a loud sigh, you stomped onto the field as a smirk widened on Ace's cocky features.


You were laying on your dorm room bed, textbook propped open, as your newfound Uni friends sat dispersed around the room.

Everyone surprisingly engrossed in the study session. You eyed your textbook in confusion, cocking your head to the left and scratching your head with an inquisitive finger,

"You guys going to the frat party tonight? It's going to start soon actually---"

The blond questioned, checking his phone for the time, and you perked up at his words. However, almost on cue, Bakugou shot him down with a simple,


"What?! Why? Come on, man, It'll be fun. Plus, we're all going."

Sero grinned, whilst Kaminari already began packing his textbooks, but Bakugou remained adamant,

"I don't care. I have work to do."

"Just do it tomorrow, don't be a party pooper."

Kaminari teased, closing Bakugou's books, and the belligerent blond sent him a death glare that would've sent any sane person running for the hills,

"Come on, just for today."

Kaminari mischeviously grinned,


You sat up, folding your legs underneath you as a small smile widened on your (l/c) lips,

"You never know, it could be a lot of fun!"

You pestered, but once again,


Although, despite his answers you guys did not stop harassing him,

"Bakugou, aren't you a big fan of Toshinori's college football career from way back in the day?"

Kirishima questioned, and Bakugou furrowed his brows,

"What if I said, if you come with us, I could convince Coach to show you his old Jers---"

"---I guess I can make time for this stupid party."

You cheered alongside Kaminari, the both of you jumping on your bed like two children on a sugar rush,


I don't know how Kirishima manages to convince Bakugou to do these things, but he sure seems to know Bakugou well.

Seems like Bakugou is a pretty big fan of football.

Kaminari hopped off the bed, and before you could follow suit, he helped you off the bed by cupping his hands under your arms and lifting you up and placing you gently onto the floor.

With wide eyes, you stood there in shock. Your arms stuck in a comical "T" pose, and Kaminari cackled at your reaction,

"Thanks, Kaminari, but, I could've gotten down myself you know."

She's the Man! [BNHA FOOTBALL AU!] (Reader x Bakugou!) BEING REWRITTEN!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin