Chapter Fifteen

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Mom didn't need to wake me up this morning. Setting an alarm the night before had paid off for once. I even managed to squeeze in a few slices of toast and some OJ. Clearly I was on fire this morning. I needed to be, I had my second mission in two days. Find Evangeline, tell her about the song choice and ask her about her dad's routine during the service, consult PJ based on the conversation with Evangeline, locate Aya, tell her about the plan and pray she didn't neck me. The day was going to be busy, and this didn't include any school work, but let's be honest, I hadn't planned on doing any school work till this was nutted out.

Grabbing my backpack I headed for the front door, until a familiar voice called my name.


'What do you want Faith?' I said closing the front door and turning to face her.

'I have something to show you!' She smiled her most innocent smile.

I narrowed my eyes at her. Studying her features I knew she had something on me and it could have only been one thing. 'So you finally found out?' I said coolly. 'I'm surprised it took you this long. You basically live on your phone.'

She wasn't impressed. She cocked her hips to the other side and placed her hand on her waist. 'I'm telling Mom.' She said.

Smiling at her I replied. 'Do what you gotta do brat.' I opened the door and slammed it on my way out. It felt invigorating to not care. Knowing that I hadn't caved to Faith would annoy her so much. I am a BOSS!

The bus ride was quick, I had downloaded an album from iTunes. It was an album from the artist we were going to be performing on the weekend. I wanted a deeper understanding of her music. Listening to some of her more well-known songs and a quick wiki search confirmed that she was indeed classically trained. The control in her voice in even the spoken parts of her songs sent a shiver down my spine. I began recalling if I knew any other artists that could sing like her, and I came up with nought. My heart rate quickened as concern coursed through me. What if Aya couldn't pull this off? She hasn't even agreed to this yet! I pushed the negative thoughts out of my mind. We got this, we got this. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

When I reached home room, PJ was smiling at me. Guilt slowly gripped me from different directions. I hadn't exactly been a good friend to him in the last few days, and I was about to ask for his help.

'Hey dude, how are you going?' I said, taking a seat next to him.

'Well thanks', he replied. 'How was detention?'

'Not bad, all things considered.' I shifted awkwardly in my seat. 'PJ, I want to apologise for how I've treated you the last couple of days.'

A small smiled curled at the side of his lips. 'All good Aiden. I've been treated worse.'

That last comment pulled at my heart a little. From the little time I had known PJ, he had been subject to bullying because of his appearance and his intelligence. If people knew he was the son of a millionaire, he'd probably cop it even worse. 

My conversation with PJ had me in a reflective mood. Luck had been on my side. I had made friends pretty easily and they had been good quality friends too, an image of Zach came to mind. Whatever his reason for befriending me, I was eternally grateful. He had no right befriending me, he was this rock star in the making, had the looks, had women (if he wanted them) but he saw something in me. Maybe it was a piece of himself when he was younger? Who knows? My dad had also been a quality friend until recently. His friendship gave me a security in myself which stopped me seeking validation from others. PJ hadn't had that. Maybe I could give that too him? Maybe I could help him reach his potential like how others had helped me.

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