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Is it that time of the month?

A question we often hear

From the people

Surrounding us.

As if period is a sinful thing

To talk about.

What makes you think

The blood pouring

Out of the vagina

Is impure?

Oh aren't you having

The same blood running

beneath your skin too?

And didn't you came out

Of the same bleeding thing?

Oh I guess you're impure too

Not because of the blood

But because of your

Filth filled mind

That has made you blind.

You make a women

Sit back at home

Because her vagina is bleeding

And you think it's impure.

You restrict her

From entering temples

Because you think

It would pollute

The temples.

How could the place which

Makes the soul pure

Be made impure?

I don't understand.

People celebrate the

Birth of a child

But treat period

As a dirty time.

How could you call

It impure?

When it is the reason

Of your existence

On this earth.

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