Broken | 21

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Give the song above a listen 😭 ^^


Initially, my first thought was what the actual fuck? I felt—in a way—some sort of betrayal. At this point, Dylan had to have known that I had a thing for Grayson, not to mention that Dylan claimed to have a crush on me after he kissed me in the locker room.

I was confused, angry, upset, and every other emotion. After having noticed that the door was open Grayson turned around, seeing me standing at the doorway.

His eyes were wide and I couldn't tell if he was guilty or not, but I didn't stick around to find out.

I turned around, unable to look at him anymore. I slammed the door, biting my lip so hard that it hurt. With as much force as possible, I threw the beer can in my hand as hard as I could, hitting a glass picture frame on the wall and shattering it almost instantly.

I speed walked through the house in search of an empty room, eventually coming across what appeared to be the master bedroom. I swung the door open, stepping inside and looking around.

I slammed the door shut and locked it, walking over to the corner of the room and sitting down, pulling my knees to my chest. Was that why Dylan and Grayson acted so weird around each other?

It was the only thing that seemed to make sense, either that, or it was just a late night hookup. Whichever it was, that didn't make it hurt any less. I hadn't known Grayson for that long, and from past experiences, I knew damn well that I didn't catch feelings and easily.

But I had definitely caught feelings for Grayson, whether I'd wanted to or not.

I sat there for a while, thinking through all of the possibilities as to why the two of them were in that position. But everything I came up with meant that they were dating, it was a hookup, or they'd dated in the past.

And no matter how hard I tried to hide it, I was jealous. I was just really hoping that Grayson was drunk and that it was simply a mistake, otherwise I'd probably kashoot myself...

I felt something warm roll down my cheek and realized that I'd been crying, instinctively wiping the stray tear away. I leaned my head back against the wall, choking on a sob.

I closed my eyes, unable to hold back the tears that so badly wanted to fall.

I cried quietly, gripping my knees roughly with the palms of my hands to keep myself from punching the wall. It was hard to control my anger and I so badly wanted to get up and slam my fist into something, but I really couldn't muster up any self-motivation to get my ass up.

I felt pathetic.

After a while of crying in the corner, I eventually got off of the floor, stumbling through the room. My vision was still slightly blurry from having been crying, but I opened the door none the less.

The party was still going strong and the music had begun giving me a headache a while ago, but I was trying my hardest to ignore it. The fact that I'd been crying really didn't help, either.

My mind was a bit foggy as I stumbled through the house, searching for nothing in particular.

I figured I could try and find Ty to give me a ride home 'cause I really didn't want to sit in a car with Grayson. Alone. I searched around for Ty but to no avail. Wherever he was, he most likely didn't want to be found, seeing that I'd checked almost every room in the house.

I let out an annoyed sigh, heading out back to where the pool was. There were drunk teens everywhere, along with a bong sitting on one of the patio tables. I snickered, seeing a kid about my age who looked as high as a kite.

He was doing some sort of weird hula dance, then he did a belly flop into the pool. I laughed out loud at that, unable to control myself. It was quite funny, to be honest. I looked around, seeing no sign of Ty, Hadley, Candace or even Grayson.

I let out a deep breath, pulling off my tee shirt and tossing it to the ground. I ran a hand through my hair and said fuck it, taking my shoes and skinny jeans off, tossing my phone down as well before jumping in the pool. I swam around for a bit, getting a little touchy feely with girls just to fuck with them since they didn't know I was gay.

One of the girls was in a neon green bikini that had her tits hanging out of it, almost causing me to gag. She had her lips pressed to my neck, whispering things in my ear, though I was unable to hear her over the loud ass music that was playing.

"What was that, gorgeous?" I asked, giving her one of my signature smirks and snaking an arm around her waist.

"I said you look sexy with your hair like that," she replied, planting soft kisses on my neck, which was doing literally nothing for me. I just needed some sort of action, whether it was with a girl or not. I needed something to take my mind off of my shitty life.

"Thanks, everything looks good on you, babe," I replied, pressing my lips against hers and wrapping both arms around her waist.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and the kiss deepened, and before I knew it, we had our tongues down each other's throats.

"Shall we get a room?" I asked with a smirk, pulling away for a moment a little breathlessly.

"We shall..." She replied, licking my neck and stepping out of the pool, shaking her ass as she did so. I pretended to check her out as she did so, then followed her inside, grabbing my clothes off the ground, along with my phone.

Somehow I ended up with a bottle of some sort of alcohol in my hand, as well as following some chick to a room to most likely have sex. I couldn't have cared less, though, seeing that it wasn't like it was my first time or anything.

I took a long sip out of the bottle, chugging some of to the point where I felt sick and made myself stop drinking.

The two of us entered a room and ended up on the bed, sloppily making out with our hands all over each other. Her hands were tangled in my hair and I was leaving quite the collection of hickeys on her neck, kissing further down until I was to her bikini top.

I was just about to unlace the top to her bikini when the door opened, revealing a very attractive guy with a plaid shirt unbuttoned, along with a backward cap on and a pair of khaki shorts on. In all honesty, he looked like a damn frat boy, with a mixture of sexiness to his appearance.

He seemed sort of familiar, but I'd already downed half the bottle in my hand and was already half out of it, unable to pinpoint who exactly he was, but he seemed to have recognized me.

I got off of the girl I was on top of so fast I thought I might get whiplash, then I was standing in front of the guy, no doubt making a complete idiot out of myself.

"Do I know you?" I asked dumbly, leaning against the doorframe as I drank in his appearance.

"I believe so..."

"I don't seem to remember you..." I trailed off, trying to put my finger on who stood before me.

"Let me help you remember..." he smirked, leaning down and pressing our lips together.


I'm pulling up with these plot twists XD. Hope this chapter wasn't bad but uh yeah, I really don't have much else to say so uhhhh... Vote and comment? 🤷🏽‍♀️😂

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