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After Saturday with Jude's parents, I had kind of started to avoid him... Just slightly. I know it wasn't his fault or anything, but I've just been in a really shitty mood recently. But I'm happy schools starting tomorrow on Monday.

It's honestly been so boring not having anything to do, while I kind of hate some of my teachers. It's still fun to learn about new things. It was Sunday night now, and the other girls were all getting ready for bed. I sat on the side of my bed staring outside, lost in thought.

"Are you okay Odette?" One girl asked me, I could really remember her name... Katy was it?

"Yeah just tired." I replied, glancing over at the girl, she had short cropped blonde hair and bright eyes. Yeah that was Katy, she was friends with Penelope.

"If you say so." Katy says before walking to the bathroom. I low-key hated all the girls in my dorm sometimes, they all just seemed so.... What's the word? Fake? Selfish? Annoying? All of the above?

They probably thought the same about me though. Oh well.


I kept my head down at breakfast at read my book, but unfortunately having a table all to myself meant it was a lot harder to hide. Jude ended up coming over when everyone started to leave to get to their lessons.

"Odette listen."

I didn't look up at him, but stayed seated nonetheless.

"I'm sorry for pushing it with my parents, this is all really new to me and I realise that it was a shitty thing to do... Forgive me?"

I looked up then, a playful glint in my eye. "Okay Jude, you're forgiven. But don't do dumb crap like that again, I hate feeling uncomfortable."

He gives me one of his signature smiles, "see you in maths." He said before getting up and walking away.

Thank god that was sorted. I then walked merrily to my next class, magic.

When I got there everyone was already sitting down, Mr Thomas was standing next to a girl I havent seen before. She had long blonde hair with the ends dip dyed blue, and pale skin, she wore a smirk on her lips. Her eyes gazing over everyone in the class.

"How nice of you to join us Ms Parks!" Mr Thomas says as a sit down in my seat.

"Sorry I'm late." I mutter out lamely.

He gives me 'the look' before speaking again "as I was saying, this is Luna Stark and she's moved all the way from Norway. She's joining us here at the academy. Would you like to share anything else with the class Luna?"

She meets my eyes, but then quickly turns to face the front again "I'm Luna, as you already know. I came here from the academy in Norway. I was claimed by Beck, god of water."

"Excellent, go take a seat over... Next to Odette" Mr Thomas says.

Are you kidding me? Now I have to deal with the new kid? She slips beside me, I see her glancing at me out of the corner of my eye.

"Hi there."

"Hi." I reply.

"Odette Parks huh? Caspian claimed you." Luna states.

"Yep." I look over at her, she's smirking. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I dunno, I just think you're pretty." Luna said.

I was surprised at her bluntness, "uhh thanks I guess. That's not most peoples first reaction when they hear about me." I say.

"I'm not most people." Luna said, giving me a wink.

I smile back warmly, we'll see...


Turns out, Luna was also moving into my dorm. I really liked her, she just had this easy going personality, it was nice to talk to her.

"So Luna, why did you move here?" Penelope asks that evening.

"My dad's from here, my mum's from Norway. I guess they just wanted a change."

"Cool!" Penelope said, she's been trying to bond with Luna all day. Inviting her to go out with her and her friends to do stuff. Luna didn't seem that interested.

"We're going to hang out in the common room, you coming Luna?"

"I'm gonna hang here, I need to finish unpacking." Luna replies nonchalantly.

Penelope and her friends look disappointed, "okay see you later." They all walk out.

"God she's so annoying!" Luna sighs exasperated when they left.

I chuckle, "tell me about it, they've hated me since the very beginning."

"Why?" Luna asks.

"No idea, never spoke or did anything to them. I think it's just because I was claimed by Caspian."

"That's fucked up."

"I guess."

"Can you teleport?" Luna asks out of the blue.

"Yeah.. Through shadows anyway."

"That's so cool! I wish I could do something like that."

"Trust me you don't, " I say, Luna gives me a questioning look. I sigh, "I'm an outcast here. People are genuinely scared of me, trust me you wouldn't want that."

"I never thought about it like that...."

We stay silent for several minutes, "can I be an outcast with you?"

"Seriously? You want to be friends with me?"

"Yeah, you're so much cooler then anyone I've met so far." Luna said.

"If you really want to you can. Me and my boyfriend hang out at the library, you're welcome to join us." I say.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, his names Jude."

"Wow, I bet you guys are so cute together." Luna laughs and gives me a kind smile. I can't help but smile back.

"Anyway, I'm exhausted I need to sleep." Luna mutters as she climbs into bed. "Goodnight Odette."



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