Chapter 5: Lost memories

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For the longest of time, Loi thought being noticed by a great predator was the most terrifying feeling he'd ever feel, but that was nothing compared to what he's feeling now. The agitating heat of the afternoon has subsided, gave way to the cooling winds of early evening, somewhat easing the tension of the curious crowd outside of the long house. Haru's been inside with that...beast for a couple of hours now, the anguish crying and screaming have stopped, followed by the silence that gnawed at the tanned boy's heart like maggots.

It was the first time Loi has ever heard Haru scream like that, the rage, the pain, the suppressed emotions of all those years broke loose into a tidal wave of wailings. It couldn't have been Haru, the tanned boy thought, it couldn't be his gentle, shy and quiet brother. Shaking his head, Loi gripped the spear in his hand so hard that a small drop of blood trickled from his hand, his teeth clenched behind his sealed lips as he eyed the closed door, wondering what horror the monster has exposed his beloved brother to. Behind him, Loi could hear the quiet chattering of the curious villagers still staying around to see what would happen to Haru. The wailings and crying have amused them greatly, the tanned boy was sure of it, the sounds of them snickering, speculating and even betting on Haru's fate were almost too much for him to handle.

Yet others were more concerned about Quetz, not for Haru's sake per se, but more about the village as a whole. And rightfully so, for once, the elders didn't know what to say about Quetz's presence, everyone were curious and scared of him, everyone but the chieftain, who were more fearful of him than others, as if they've known each other for a long time. There was something about the way the old chief acted around the stranger, a sense of dread radiating outward, slowly infecting the rest of the villagers. It was primal, the feeling of hopelessness of a prey knowing that it has no chance fighting against the apex predator that have cornered it.

- Rai.

-What?! - Loi jumped backward as a hand suddenly clamps down onto his shoulder, colliding against Mitsuki standing behind him, causing both to almost loose their footing. He turned around, scratching his head in awkwardness and forcing an apologetic smile onto his lips as his sister frowned at him. - O-oh, it's you.

- You silly boy. - The older girl scoffed and sighed, her frown relaxed as she turns her gaze onto the door yet still retaining the look of concern that have been stuck on her face since Haru disappeared behind the door. - It' quiet. - She said, clearly worried for their youngest brother's safety, but at the same time it was so strange when she didn't mention the monster that accompanied him.

- Hey Mitsuki, do you think...he's safe in there - Loi asked, irritated by the nonchalant attitude of his sister.

- I am...not sure. - Said the older girl, her voice was a mix of uncertainty and curiosity.

- What do you mean you're not sure? - The smaller boy turned around, frowning in frustration at his sister's answers. - You mean you ignore the fact that he's a literal monster?!

- No. - Mitsuki shook her head. - I-I know he looks...odd, but...his aura, it's...shrouded somehow, I can't sense him clearly as others. It's like...

- Standing in a misty field? - With the setting sun behind him, the towering man walked out from the chieftain's house to the edge of the front yard, enveloping the pair in his shadow. Behind him hid a shaking Haru, blood smeared all over the lower part of his face, his eyes lost with all the thoughts racing in his minds.

- Wh-what? - Mitsuki stood dumbfounded, skin tingling with the phantom sensation of her skin being burn upon contact with the strange miasma that shrouded the man's mind from hers.

As if amused, Quetz chuckled, and Mitsuki felt the mist move, flowing against her but not really. It swirled and flowed and churned, unseen yet its presence was so surreal and overwhelming that the girl could perceive its shape. Sweats rolled down the girl's face, this wasn't like any other times, normally she could "sense" others' moods ad emotion, tingling in her mind and sometime, seemingly even on her skin, all she have to do was to just look at them. But with Quetz, she couldn't feel anything but the crushing weight of his aura in her very soul, like she was crushed under an ocean, but did not drown.

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