Chapter 5

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I saw Gary and misty in bed fucking,when I saw this I instantly felt the need to go home.

Gary POV

When ash saw me I was seriously regretting what I was doing with misty so I raced to get my clothes on and run to ash's house but there was no time to put on my shoes so..yeah.when I got to his house I saw the door wide open so I just walked in,as I got to the bathroom I saw him with in a crying state and with a razor in his left hand,I ran up to him,took the razor out of his hands and pulled him tightly into the biggest hug I had ever given but he pulled away and started to shout really hurtful sentences like "you betrayed me" and "I never should have been with you"


When I said those words I grabbed the knife out of His hand and started cutting but just I was about to cut the second line he pulled it out of my hands and threw it across the room with his well done muscles but I just ran for the knife although I wanted to be in Gary's arms forev...wait ash don't say that you saw Gary and misty fucking.As soon as I got near the knife Gary picked me up and toke me to my room.when we got to my room he threw me onto my bed with all of his might and pin to it and started to yell at me but not the kind of yelling that make you scared and upset,no it was the kind of yelling from a caring person so as he was about to finish what he was saying I jump up out of his grip and threw him out,after then locking the door to my room.

Gary POV

When ash locked the door I started to bang on the door and yell at the him through the door but as I was finishing my second comment misty came running through the front door yelling to me and ash that ashes mum had an accident.

(Everyone seemed to interrupt me that day)


As soon as I heard that my mum was in the hospital,I immediately ran out of my room and to misty with tears running down my face and told her to get in the car and she did as she was commanded,so we got into the car only to see that Gary also wanted to come along with us,but we just asked him to do us all a favor and go home,so with a look of see depression on his face he went home and once he was out of sight we quickly drove to the hospital and as soon as we got out of the vehicle we were greeted by a doctor who seemed to have a very upsetting look and what he told me and misty made me almost throw up from...


So how do you like the new part if you liked it please vote for the part and so guys and gals i bid you adieu.

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