Chapter Twenty-nine

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They sat around the squad, finishing all the paperwork they could find, waiting for the phone to ring. At last John's cell rang.

He fished it out of his pocket. He had barely gotten, "Robin" out of his mouth when an ear-splitting scream gave him an instant headache. He let go of the phone and it clattered and spun on the floor.

Lizzie's voice, tinny through the receiver, screamed loud enough for everyone within ten feet to hear. "Oh, my god, Johnny, it's down to me and one other girl!"

John could hear her laughing as he bent to pick up the phone. "Lizzie?"

"I'm going to be in a movie! They're gonna give me the part!"

John glanced around the squad room. Several people craned their necks, looking for the source of the clatter. Mike scooted his orthopedic back chair closer and leaned over.

"She got it? What's it called? When's it coming out?"

John coughed out, "Lizzie." He cleared his throat. "What's going on?"

"They messaged my agent last night and sent a couple of scenes they wanted video of me reading. So, that was what my acting coach and I did this morning. The director just called my agent and told her they really like me, it's down to me and one other girl, and they want me back in LA to read with some of the other cast members right away! And I was there, so I got to talk to him."

Someone behind him said, "What's going on?" and Mike said, "John's girlfriend just got a part in a movie!"

Lizzie babbled in his ear. "They said they wanted me because they liked my look, they liked my fashion shoots and I had the martial arts skills. I told them I was going to start an acting class at VCU, and they didn't even care! The director goes, 'Well, don't overstudy. We don't want you to become mechanical.' I thought I was going to pass out! Why would he say that if they weren't leaning towards giving me the part?"

John laughed. "Lizzie, that's so great, honey."

Arlene stuck her head out of the office door. John heard her say, "What's going on?"

"I'm going back as soon as they get their schedule worked out when they can see me," Lizzie was saying. "They don't start shooting for another six weeks yet, but if I get the part I've got to find a place to stay, I've got to figure out what to bring, I've got to rent a car, oh, my God!" Lizzie shrieked again.

"Lizzie, Lizzie," John whispered. "I'm sorry, I'm at work, and the boss is wondering what all the commotion is. I've gotta go, I'll call you later." He had to stop and clear his throat again.

"I'll be home tonight. We can talk more about it then. I just had to call you!"

"I'm glad you did. I'll talk to you then. Love you."

"I love you, Johnny."

John clicked off the phone to find every detective in the squad room standing around him, and a couple of bemused citizens who happened to be there about open cases looking on. As soon as he put the phone down, his squadmates all clapped.

"Great news, Johnny."

"Way to go!"

"Tell Lizzie congratulations." This from Savonn, who had met her a couple of times. Even Arlene was clapping.

Mike gave John's shoulder an "attaboy" shake. "This is great news, man! We've got to have a party!"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, guys." John raised both palms. "She doesn't have the part yet. It's down to her and one other actress. She has to fly back out and audition in person. But it sounds really good, like she's got a real chance. They told her a lot of good things on the phone."

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