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Chapter 22: Whisper

"Seeker, I see you."

I jack-knifed in the bed, heart pounding as a cold voice crooned softly in my ear. The hounds were still snoring by the dead fire and there was no one else in my room. My hair was cascading wildly down my shoulders, my breathing ragged.

From my hands, my arms and my chest, a silver light burned. It began to burn hotter, like a crescendo and I let out a cry, my back arching as agony ripped through my flesh. The noise disrupted the hounds and Arno was on his feet, snarling and snapping even though the source of the threat was my own body. The bed dipped as Zeer leapt up onto it, his heavy body pressing down on me as he licked my cheeks with a keening whine.

The cold voice just laughed, ringing through the empty room. "Silly little Seeker."

Zeer shifted as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. My frame was trembling, the harsh burning beneath my skin consuming rational thought. A call thrummed in my chest, a need to find as if somehow deep down I knew this pain would not subside unless I found what was calling me.

I blinked through the light of my skin and leaned on Zeer, my hand digging into his spine as he bared my weight with no effort. "Good Zeer." I mumbled. "You are a good..."

Arno was still barking, the deep thrum of it enough to rattled me. Massive paws scraped at the door, digging lines into the wood as he pushed his weight against it. As I began fumbling with the door latch, Arno abandoned his attempt to open the door and proceeded to lick at my chin, mouth and nose.

I threw open the door and stumbled out. Someone caught me as I staggered down the hall, a hard grasping my upper arm firmly.

"You are glowing."

I blinked up at Captain, grimacing. "I am aware."

He cocked his head. "You are in pain."

"I am aware" I gasped as pain tore through me again, like sharp metal fingers digging at my insides. I tried to push at him, but while it felt like I was burning internally, I couldn't muster the strength to push him away. Instead my hands planted against his chest and as I pushed, it just looked like they were resting there pathetically.

"I need to find something." I hissed. "Move."

He shifted but kept a hand on my arm as I pivoted forward. Only when I straightened, did he let me go. Wordlessly he began to follow me as I stumbled down the hallway, a hand braced against the wall when my legs threatened to give out beneath me.

It felt like a hook behind my breastbone, yanking me forward viciously. I could barely even see with the light burning from my skin, a walking lantern that couldn't even find her own way. I pushed open a heavy wooden door and a thick arm banded around me as I leaned forward.

"Careful," Mahon's breath tickled the sensitive point of my ear. "Be careful of the stairs."

My stomach swooped as I looked down; the stairs fell away beyond the door to steep, slippery steps that would have been merciless if I had fallen. I glanced over my shoulder to thank him, my breath still raspy from sleep. His eyes were fastened on me, a brow cocked expectantly.

I scowled. "Do not be so smug."

The pull yanked me forward. There was no need for a torch. I illuminated the way, a beacon of painful light whose limbs trembled with every step. The Captain kept a gentle grip on my arm, and I was aware of him tugging me back as I pitched forward on the slippery steps.

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