REZ's EDGE - Destruction & Redemption - The Big Synopsis

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It's late at night and Dakota's father, Gordon, is driving them home down a lonesome highway. It's 1975, two years after the takeover and occupation of the village of Wounded Knee by the American Indian Movement (AIM) and a militant population of 300 Indians.

Headlights pop over a hill, blinding Gordon. The oncoming vehicle streaks across the double-yellow lines, smashing into Dakota and his father. Their car careens, catches, flips, and smashes into the ditch. Dakota is seriously wounded. His father is dead.

After a year of rehabilitation, Dakota returns to his first day of eighth-grade middle school to face his mental demons and the tribal cousins of his father's killer.

Welcome to Dakota's hell! Welcome to the REZ's EDGE!

- - 'REZ's EDGE' - "Destruction & Redemption" is the engrossing, touching, action-packed adventures of Dakota Charleston. It's about growing up as a white kid next to an Indian Reservation with American Indian friends, enemies, and classmates. Join Dakota and his friends in their trials and tribulations, pranks and shenanigans, joys and sorrows, pleasures and pains. That was life back in the 1970's: disco, heavy metal, country, rock and roll, bell bottom jeans, and racism. Ride the REZ's EDGE! - -

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REZ's EDGE - Destruction & Redemption by Brad JensenWhere stories live. Discover now