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11. Stop trying to matchmake the tiger boy and Akutagawa, he gets embarrassed

12. One more time you put everyone's things in the air as a passive aggressive way we will all throw you out into the ocean

13. Blasting music at night and saying in the morning "oh sorry that bothered you" while smirking will send you to hell

14. Throwing up peace signs when you see Dazai fall

15. Do not burn this list

16. If the next time I'm writing this again you'll be stabbed by either Gin or Akutagawa

17. Picking a fight with one of the agency members will not solve your impulses on wanting to burn the place up

18. Saying "it's my duty" while trying to help Elise pick her outfit, aren't you supposed to be on a mission anyways?

19. Calling "Oreo" when Akutagawa walks by, we all know his hair reminds you of the cookie but it's just mean

20. Playing rock, paper, scissors with Dazai over random things. You're never going to get that limited edition wine.


Did I ever tell y'all that Chuuya is so beautiful omfg

50 things Nakahara Chuuya should not doWhere stories live. Discover now