36 | Chapter Thirty Six

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Solar Power.

The entire institute was beaming with a similar theme dancing along the walls. Sun sigils hung from the stony interior, posters of large and small were scattered everywhere and gold lanterns floated above Connor who couldn't help but sigh at the benevolent yet haunting sight.

The sun solstice was drawing near each day that went past and he needed to become stronger.

Not many people were aware of the dangers that may strike at the party. The only ones that were prepared were the professors and the summoners guild. Every other guild was left out, not wanting to draw too much attention towards the imminent threat — which made Connor feel guilt, hiding away such a role from his brother.

He sucked in his breath and said to himself, "this is for the best."

Connor knew if he told Michael, then his brother would have found out he was learning solar power. There was no way he would get the approval he wanted, remembering Michael's plea to not die for Macey. He headed towards the alchemy lab where Raine was situated, taking a shortcut through the water masters class and through a metal stairway that bypassed Stormvein entirely.

The entrance to the Alchemy Labs was sky high and the actual building was a metal structure that floated above the institute and the city. The reason for its location was because of the crazy experiments an alchemist leader does — such as the adornment that lets a fire user cast solar power.

Connor walked the stairway, his eyes raking over the gold plated structure that shimmered in the sunlight. The sounds of clanking metal always resonated through the clouds with the odd tech zooming past him in a hurry. The alchemy students who roamed the place all wore leather armour with gadgets and tools hanging from their waist.

He walked towards the largest facility there, a large dome in the centre that was surrounded by a magical barrier. The door swished open the moment he stood before it and he instantly saw Raine who greeted Connor with a smile and yelled, "you're early — what gives?"

She furrowed her brow, firmly clutching onto the solar ring in her hand. Connor could see the small adornment furiously glowing gold, craving the power such an item let off.

"The early bird catches the worm," he said, making Raine gag at each word he told her.

"Don't ever say that. Ever. Again," Raine gawked in a threading tone, gently handing Connor the ring before walking towards a control panel in the distance.

Slipping on the adornment, Connor never got over the rush of energy that gyrated through his veins and almost ripped each muscle to shreds. He has gotten used to it, but there was always a wince of pain that left his mouth. Many times has he thought of giving up.

But for the safety of the people and for Macey — he continued.

"Alright," Raine yelled from a distance. "Today we're gonna focus on short-range attacks. I want you to use a variety of both your fire magic and solar power, rather than one or the other. Kinda wanna see the capabilities and whether or not I need to adjust some things."

Connor shut his eyes for a brief second then inhaled deeply. He heard the sounds of Raine summoning her familiar, listening to it multiply and infusing itself with metal.

"Are you ready?" asked Raine, prompting Connor to open his eyes.

In front of him stood what looked like her sentries but beast versions of them. When they moved, Connor could hear the metal scratching against the floor and the cogs along with their bodies beginning to crank.

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